Teachings of the Eye of Horus

As we anchor and hold the incoming high frequency templatings, numerologies and sacred geometries of the New Earth matrix within our physical bodies through our ascension process, we are experiencing many multidimensional realities converging in this Now. With this, we are being taken deeper into Self Mastery, coming deeper into our authentic Selves and drawing to us our highest potentialities and expressions of our innocence and joy as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and initiates of Light.

As we experience the next level of our Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light, the Archangels, Lord Melchizedek and the Order of Melchizedek come forward to invite us to experience the Temple teachings, also called the teachings of the Eye of Horus. As we draw upon the influence of the Kabbalah, the rays of Creation, Metatron’s Cube, the Flower and Fruit of Life and geometric templating’s, the teachings of the Eye of Horus unveils hidden knowledge, taking us ever deeper into the merging timelines of Self-Mastery.

Through these beautiful teachings Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, we experience the Trinity Lords Shield of Light and the Inner Tree of Life within the Spiritual Sun Temple of Helios and Vesta, the Seven Seals of Magnetic Resonance thru the Temple of Initiation, Inner Purification Rites in the Temple of Contemplation, the Goblets of Transformation through the Temple of Transformation, the Golden Dragons Orbs of Fire within the Temple of Equilibrium, the Golden Roses of Compassion within the Temple of Compassion, Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template activations within the Temple of Higher Perspectives, the Sirian Stargate of the Heart through the Temple of Truth, the Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart thru the Temple of Transfiguration as well as a wonderful bonus Mp3 The I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition.

Each transmission, one and a half to two hours long, is experienced with invocations, affirmations, visualizations, and Light language chants. You will receive a PDF transcribe of each transmission, plus the Mp3 recordings, with or without background music.   

#1 The Trinity Lords Shield of Light and the Inner Tree of Life

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Length: 142 min 52 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this beautiful transmission, we are offered the gift of the Trinity Lords Shield of Light. This Shield of Light initially activates through our inner Tree Life along the spinal column, imprinted through our chakras and the Overlighting of Lord Michael, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Archangelic Leagues of Light. Once fully actualized, it forms a spherical shield 54 feet in diameter around us, which links us into the Cosmic Heart of God.

#2 The Trinity Lord’s Activation of the Seven Seals of Magnetic Resonance

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Length: 148 min 48 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this celestial transmission, the Trinity Lords, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek come forward with their Shield of Light as a spinning disc to “open and activate” the Seals of Magnetic Resonance through the chakras and energy bodies. Once activated, the magnetic resonance of these seals act as Light waves of Crystalline Consciousness. As we transmit and receive as conduits of Divine Light, we amplify and increase the field of magnetism for ourselves and all Life upon this sacred earth. Additionally entrainment of lower frequency vibrations occurs as we transmute all misaligned energies and imbalances back to Love, harmony and the perfect frequency for our own unique energy and the collective consciousness of Mother Earth.

#3 Inner Purification Rites ~ Temple of Contemplation

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Length: 140 min 11 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

 In this transmission the Order of Melchizedek, as well as Archangel Sandalphon and his Legions of Light invite us into the Temple of Contemplation to experience the Inner Purification Rites.  Within the Temple of Contemplation, we are offered the tools and techniques to transform physical and/or emotional dis-ease with a new level of ease and grace, as well as release old wounds and betrayals, frozen miasms, parasites or astral entities, as we experience the following Purification Rites:

Implant and Entity Clearing Purification Rite,  Karmic Clearing Purification Rite,  Soul Retrieval Purification Rite,  Healing of Old Wounds and Addictions Purification Rite, Toxins Release Purification Rite,  Matrix Removal Purification Rite, Spleen Purification Rite, Lung Purification Rite, Liver Flush Purification Rite  and Heart Healing Purification Rite.

#4 The Nine Goblets of Transformation

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Length: 146 min 37 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this beautiful transmission, we enter into the Temple of Transformation, and experience the Nine Goblets of Transformation, Overlighted by Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Gabriel, Lord Melchizedek and the Order of Melchizedek. As we deepen into new expressions of communication and change within our own lives and through our relationships we bring a focus to every unconscious thought or action needing to be integrated, loved and celebrated within our Christed Heart’s.

These Nine Goblets of Transformation are: Purification, Centeredness and groundedness, Prayer and Devotion (Will-to-good), Truth and Honesty (Justice and Sovereignty), Direction and Focus (Clarity, Insight and Understanding), Healing of Personal Relationships (Compassion, Love and Christed Heart transmissions), Psychic Talents, Skillsets and ESP Gifts, Peace and Purpose, Manifestation, Joy and Appreciation.

#5 Attunements to the Golden Dragons Orbs of Fire

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Length: 02 hours 2min 37 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this powerful transmission, we travel to the Temple of Equilibrium and experience eight attunements to the Golden Dragons Orbs of Fire, Overlighted by Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and the Order of Melchizedek. The Golden Dragons, as Ascended Beings, work with the Archangels and Angels. They are powerful guides and teachers, who serve the Divine, and assist through spiritual wisdom, protection, purification, magic and ritual to deepen our service work to Mother Earth and all her Life.  The Golden Dragons are now coming forward, offering us the opportunity to connect and merge with their powerful Golden energy and Orbs of Fire.

These attunements are as follows: The Golden Dragon Protection and Purification Orb, the Golden Dragon Gratitude Orb, the Golden Dragon Empowerment Orb of Light, the Golden Dragon Healing Orb, the Golden Dragon Compassionate Orb, the Golden Dragon Equilibrium Orb, the Golden Dragon Inspiration and Divine Intelligence Orb, and the Golden Dragon Abundance Chi Orb.  

#6  The Seven Golden Roses of Compassion

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Length: 145 min 48 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this heartfelt transmission, we enter into the Temple of Compassion to experience the Seven Golden Roses of Compassion. Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, Archangel Haniel and the Sisterhood of the Rose, we come deeper into our loving, compassionate Christed Hearts as we acknowledge our worthiness, and our courage, and the many perceived challenges we have faced to know ourselves as Love.

These Seven Golden Roses of Compassion are: Innocence,  Loving all that arises,  Letting go and letting God,  Forgiveness,  Worthiness,  Re-Union,  Being in the Now and Service in Love.

#7 The Angelic Golden Solar Disc Templates and Solar Rings of Fire

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Length: 128 min 22 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this beautiful telewebinar transmission, we experience increased levels of Solar Crystalline Consciousness, through the Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template Activations and Solar Rings of Fire.

We experience these six Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template activations within the Temple of Higher Perspectives. Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel and the Order of Melchizedek. As we experience the amplified frequencies of Solar Crystalline Consciousness we deepen into the every present Continuum or Zero Point. These “future” time-space fields of Light assist us to access and anchor the higher dimensional templatings as we merge with our “future” selves, our multidimensional selves and Beloved I Am Presence. This alignment to Unity Consciousness is further amplified through our own Light Body and DNA activations, ESP gifts, axiatonal alignments and Diamond Light Code integrations experienced in this transmission, as we transform and upgrade our 12-Body System through the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence, and become more crystalline in nature.

#8 The Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light

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Length: 145 min 48 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this beautiful telewebinar transmission of invocations and affirmations, we experience the Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light traveling in our activated Merkabas into the Sirian Living Library within the etheric of Sirius as it aligns with the Center of the Galaxy. We merge with our Christed ET Selves, and access the Cosmic Living Library Codes and Universal Akashic Records from the Golden Age timelines of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt. As these Golden Age timelines merge into this Golden Age timeline in increased waves of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Divine Love, this assists us to create and bring about huge changes within our own life as well as the knowing of our Starseed contracts upon this sacred earth.

#9  The Trinity Lords Light Programs and Star Attunements of Cosmic Convergence

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Length: 135 min 58 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this transmission we are invited into the Temple of Service to experience the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, through the Overlighting of the Trinity Lords of Light, various Star Councils, and the appropriate frequency wormholes of Divine Love, Stargates of the Heart. This takes us deeper into the creative transmissions of the super-electron and the Cosmic Convergence of zero point, the ever-present Continuum as these multidimensional humans in Service in Love. These levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness assist us in deeper levels of magnetization and manifestation in our Service work in joy, in Love, in abundance and in trust and surrender as we enter into the full flow of each Now moment. Additionally, through the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness we attune to the harmonic octaves of each dimension experienced in the creation of our I Am Avatar Bodies of Lights, and the dynamic influence of all Light frequencies from On High. These Light frequencies assist us primarily in the experience of truly coming Home, into our physical bodies as Temples of Light in this Golden Age of Light.

#10  The Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart

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Length: 146 min 12 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this lovely transmission, we experience the restoration, rejuvenation and nurturing of our physical/energy bodies with very deep releasing of all that no longer works for us. As we surrender to the embrace of the Divine Mother, we release the vestiges of sadness, loss, betrayal and discomfort for ourselves and all of humanity, deepening into Self Love and Self nurturing in the Temple of Transfiguration.  Additionally we experience the physical/energetic upgrades of our I Am Avatar Body of Light through our cells, central nervous system, sensory system and the left and right hemispheres of the brain as we receive the Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart. We further connect to all bands of consciousness upon this sacred earth as we link in telepathically and empathetically, in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, and in respect and reverence as these open hearts in this Golden Age of Light. As One Heart, we assist in the anchoring of the energetic codes of the Divine Mother of: Strength and Courage, Compassion, Unity, Stillness, Well-Being, Intuition, Forgiveness and Divine Love.

#11  The I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition

Downloadable Audio
Length: 145 min 50 sec
Format: MP3 (with or without music) plus PDF Transcribe

In this beautiful transmission, we start by experiencing the Rainbow Bridge of Light to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God thru the Rays of Creation, and in this process activate the dormant DNA and create our multidimensional Bodies of Light.

We enter into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging with our Beloved I Am Presence, Soul and Star Family of the Light. From this place of God’s Infinite Perfection, we experience the Love of the Divine Mother expand from within our Christed Hearts in the knowing of truly coming Home, into our hearts of Divine Love.

We then activate our Trinity Lord’s Shield of Light and following this, ignite the I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes through our Rainbow Light Body. This unique diamond activation creates the perfect Templatings and Blueprints of the I Am Avatar Race, attuning us to the Diamond Light Codes and Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God as Conscious Co-Creators and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. We further assist in activating this Diamond Light Ray through the Crystalline Cities above the primary sacred sites in the creation of the Diamond Unity Grid of Divine Love so that all Life can experience their magnificence and Light as conscious co-creators to the Divine.