Divine Mother Healing Practitioner Training

The Divine Mother Healing Activations Practitioner Training is a series of healing transmissions through the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose and the energy of the Divine Mother.  

These Masterclasses are simplified into seven “Rose Kits”, each one providing high frequency healing activations, attunements, visualizations and invocations to transform every level of your beingness.

Accompanying The Divine Mother Healing Activations are seven Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations, assisting you to heal and eliminate physical dis-comfort and potentially dis-ease which you can use for yourself or your clients.

The focus of the Divine Mother Healing Activations is through attunement to the Divine Mother. As you attune to the field of Divine Love within and around you, you deepen into the innate wisdom and divine intelligence of your own bodies, aligning ever deeper to your Divine Blueprint, which includes your template of perfect health, balance and well-being. Through the infusion of the Healing Energies of the Divine Mother, and your Beloved I Am Presence, the Sisterhood of the Rose, Nature and Nature Intelligence, you attune the cellular frequency of the body into resonance with a higher octaves of the New Earth Templates and the multi-verse. In alignment to the Universal Divine Blueprint you can heal yourself of any dis-comfort or dis-ease, knowing that the Universe is here to support you on every level of your beingness.

As you deepen into your loving heart and Higher Light, intuitively you find your body talking to you; either through great levels of dis-comfort or greater levels of well-being. This is a process we all move through as we dissolve lower timelines, release stress and trauma, old beliefs and judgments and purify the lower bodies. As you love all that arises, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, you have an intuitive understanding that the Universe is constantly communicating to you, and that everything in the Universe is here to heal you and help you.

Furthermore, the cells within your body transform into crystalline consciousness in the process of Light Body and Soul embodiment. Lower timelines dissolve as you release blame and judgment whilst honoring the full range of your emotions and each unique experience you have had to know yourself as Love. For Love is ALL THERE IS.

While we feel and experience the Love of God within and around us, our perceived challenges, and the impact of karmic timelines, ancestral timelines and related traumas, as well as old programming’s, false beliefs and judgments often absorb into the body and into the cells, creating an inner resistance, a negative immune reaction within the body and energy field. This is turn creates inflammation, and for many Light workers, starts within the gut and an “inability to digest life”, creating allergies, dis-ease and addiction as well as an oscillating frequency range of emotions.

These areas of dis-comfort, dis-ease, pain, trauma, heartache, loss, fatigue and inflammation are being released and transformed through the Love of the Divine Mother and the Light of God. This Masterclass series offers you the opportunity to deepen into your Divinity through attuning to the Divine Mother and utilizing these healing energy to realign into the Patterns of Perfection and the original Divine Blueprints of Creation.

There are seven Masterclass Mp3’s in the series, some offering shortened versions with just the attunements, plus four practitioner recordings, which will assist you to not only benefit yourself from these Healing Activations, but additionally to be able to offer the “Rose Kits” to others through the Divine Mother Rose Practitioner eBooks.

Primarily, in offering the Divine Mother Healing Activations to others, you would choose one of the seven “Rose Kits” and work with some or all of the attunements and guided visualizations within this “Rose Kit”. Additionally you have the option to work with the corresponding “Rose Kit” in the physical symptoms chart. You will be provided with two eBooks for these respective “Rose Kits”.

Below are the details on each Divine Mother Healing Activations. You can use these eBooks for one-on-one consultations. 

Divine Mother Healing Activation Masterclass #1

Mother Mary and the “Red Rose Kit”

Heart Chakra Attunements

In this first Divine Mother Healing Activations Masterclass of The Red Rose Kit, you connect into the heart chakra, to deepen into the power of Love, forgiveness, mercy and compassion and to create a powerful shift within your physical body and your energy bodies.

In this Masterclass you:
✺ Experience an attunement to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary
✺ Connect to your inner child
✺ Heal your relationship with earthly mothers
✺ Experience a kundalini activation
✺ Attune to your Healing Guide
✺ Experience a Soul Retrieval Healing Activation
✺ Attune to conscious relationships and loving partnership
✺ Clear your energy of ex-partners, abuse and trauma
✺ Release victim consciousness, unworthiness and lack of trust
✺ Experience an inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Rebalancing
✺ Experience a Kundalini activation
✺ Experience a Heart Torus Field Activation

Additionally, through the Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations, you
clear and rebalance:
✺ Allergies
✺ Chemical Sensitives
✺ Breast, Lung and Thymus Cancer
✺ Heart Dis-Orders and Dis-Ease
✺ Thymus Issues/Endocrine
✺ Asthma
✺ Apnoea

You end this session with an energetic transfer of Soul Scents, a range of essential oil blends, and crystals related to the Red Rose Kit, created by Anrita Melchizedek.

Divine Mother Healing Activation Masterclass #2

Lady Isis and the “Pink Rose Kit”
Sacral Chakra Healing Activation

In this “Pink Rose Kit”, you:

✺ Attune to Lady Isis
✺ Integrate the High Priest/Priestess Archetype
✺ Clear false beliefs between men and women
✺ Clear the energy of old lovers and ex-partners
✺ Cancel contracts, vows and karmic timelines
✺ Experience an Implant and Entity Clearing
✺ Clear sexual issues of impotence, frigidity and religious distortions around sex and relationships
✺ Connect to Soul Clusters, Soul Mates and Twin Flames
✺ Experience a Kundalini and Tantric Activation

Additionally, through the Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations, you
✺ assist in the healing and alleviation of Constipation, Back Pain, Urinary and Kidney Infections, Gynaecological Cysts, Abnormal Menstruation, Infertility, Frigidity, Gall and Kidney Stones, Reproductive Organs, Vaginal Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Hip or Sacroiliac Joint Problems

Divine Mother Healing Activation Masterclass #3
Mary Magdalene and the “White Rose Kit”
Base Chakra Healing Activation

In this “White Rose Kit”, you:

✺ Attune to Mary Magdalene
✺ Integrate the Lover Archetype
✺ Experience a Soul Retrieval Journey
✺ Deepen into Zero Point and the Infinite Timeless Now Moment
✺ Release Lack of around Money issues and Abundance
✺ Release Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Guilt and Resentment by embracing and loving and transformation all that arises

✺ Experience Twelve Portals of Christ Consciousness
✺ Deepen into the support of the Universe
✺ Activate the DNA

Additionally, through the Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations, you
✺ Assist in alleviating symptoms of Osteoarthritis, Auto-Immune Disease, Arthritis, AIDS, Fatigue, Bowel, Blood or Bone Disorders, Obesity and Anorexia, Sciatica, Hypertension, Colitis and Prostate issues in men through the Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations.

Divine Mother Healing Activation Masterclass #4
Lady Venus and the “Orange Rose Kit”
Third Eye Healing Activation

In this “Orange Rose Kit”, you:

✺ Attune to Lady Venus

✺ Receiving a Third Eye Healing Activation of the 8 Pointed Star
✺ Merge with your Galactic Higher Selves and future Selves to create templatings of your expanded service work in unity and community
✺ Healing star and earth ancestral lineages of timelines of lack of Love
✺ Healing inner child wounds from all timelines, realities and dimensions
✺ Deepening into loving yourselves, feeling worthy and deserving of Love
✺ Deepening into loving, conscious relationships
✺ Birthing of the magical, innocent child
✺ Integrating the wise woman/sage archetypes
✺ Activate the ESP gifts of intuition and telepathy
✺ Awakening to your Magnificence and Creativity as Conscious Co-Creators to the Divine

Additionally, through the Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations, you
✺ Experience alleviation of Depression, Delusions, Hallucinations, Anxiety and Paranoia

✺ Discomfort or dis-ease associated with the Pituitary Gland and Neurological Functions, Migraines, Sinusitis, Seizures, Poor Vision, Sciatica, and Sleep Disorders
Join us in these beautiful invocations, affirmations and guided visualizations.

Divine Mother Healing Activation Masterclass #5
Lady Hathor and the “Yellow Rose Kit”
Crown Chakra Healing Activation

In this “Yellow Rose Kit”, you:

✺ Attune to Lady Hathor
✺ Activate the Magical Muse Archetype
✺ Release Anger and Blame
✺ Release Judgment and “them and us” victim/persecutor consciousness
✺ Release perceived Isolation and Loneliness and Misalignment to the Divine
✺ Deepen into Cosmic Consciousness – Merge with your Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence
✺ Experience a DNA Actualization session as you activate the axiatonal lines/meridian lines with the body
✺ Deepen into Acceptance, Wisdom and Connection to the Divine

Additionally, through the Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations, you
✺ Receive healing and alleviating of the symptoms of Nerve Pain, Neuralgia, Thyroid and Pineal Gland Disorders, Alzheimer’s, Recurring Headaches and Migraines, Schizophrenia and Delusional disorders, Insomnia and Depression

Divine Mother Healing Activation Masterclass #6

Green Tara and the “Green Rose Kit”
Solar Plexus Healing Activation

In this “Green Rose Kit”, you:

✺ Attune to Green Tara
✺ Release Low Self Worth, Co-dependency, Lack of Self-Control, Depression and Addiction
✺ Cut Cords and Create Healthy Boundaries
✺ Experience a Forgiveness Invocation
✺ Deepen into Non-Judgment, Empowerment and Love
✺ Experience the Rainbow Light Body

Additionally, through the Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations, you
✺ Experience the Healing Activations of the Divine Mother in alleviating symptoms of Diabetes, Digestive issues, Adrenal Organ Illness and Hypoglycaemia, Nerve Pain and Fibromyalgia

Divine Mother Healing Activation Masterclass #7

The Divine Mother Healing Activation Masterclass #7

Lady Quan Yin and “Lavender Blue Rose Kit”
Throat Chakra Healing Activation


In this “Lavender Blue Kit”, you:

✺ Attune to Lady Quan Yin
✺ Experience the Healer Archetype
✺ Experience the Blessings in All That Arises
✺ Deepen into Kindness and Positivity in Communication and Expression
✺ Activate the Plasma Diamond Light Body

Additionally, through the Divine Mother Physical Healing Activations, you
✺ Assistance in alleviating symptoms of Neck Problems, Hearing Problems, Hypoactive Thyroid, Throat, Jaw, Teeth or Gum Issues, Alimentary Canal and Vocal Cords

As a Certified Practitioner, you

✺ Receive two eBooks with the these seven “Rose Kits”

✺ Have the opportunity to expand or create your own healing business, offering one-on-one consultations

✺ Are able to heal yourself and others, and live the life you were almost meant too, with great levels of joy and vitality, passion and purpose

✺ Receive a sales page with a lead magnet, a 60 page affirmation and mandala journal called Being Present, which you can offer as a free gift on your website to get sign-ups, and then on the thank you page, have details on your consultations.

✺ Receive an additional bonus of 10 beautiful The Universe Wants You To Know social media quotes which you can offer to your clients

The New Earth way is to credit the facilitator whose teachings you will share with your Light Tribe. As such, please ensure on the programs you are facilitating, you have a note that says: This program was created by Anrita Melchizedek of Voices of the Light Tribe (link to my site https://pleiadianlight.net).

If you want to add a testimonial or rather an idea of your experiences working with these energies as a facilitator on your website you would be welcome too. Something like:  As a facilitator, these teachings have really transformed my Life.  It has allowed me a deeper connection to the Sisterhood of the Rose and my Higher Self. I am so truly grateful to be able to share these activations/transmissions etc. with you, my beloved Tribe.