Higher Selves Abundance Consciousness Attunements

90 minute – 120 minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

In this beautiful transmission we deepen into the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart as we travel to the Temple of Manifestation to experience the next level of our heart’s dreaming and Soul’s destiny fully supported by the universe.

As the Golden Ages of our Highest Potential and lifetimes of Self Mastery merge into this Now we deepen into our heart’s dreaming and joy, whilst trusting and surrendering to the Divine and the universal flow of abundance.

The etheric Template of Manifestation brings through the timelines of our highest potentiality through our Higher Self aspects who have experienced self-mastery in the various aspects of Abundance Consciousness and the Soul’s Destiny and Purpose.

Within the Temple of Manifestation, we initially draw upon the lunar and solar cycles in the knowing of the Perfect Timing as to each step we take into the next level of our Soul’s blossoming as we activate the New Earth Templates within and around our bodies.

We then view our personal Akasha and to release any false beliefs, judgments or patterning’s playing out in our lives that may be blocking the flow of prosperity consciousness in any area of our lives.

From here, we attune to the abundance codes and symbols of the Higher Selves who come forward to assist us to deepen into the field of Abundance Consciousness. With this, we amplify our ability to magnetize, manifest and bring into our reality all that we are needing in each Now moment for our heart’s dreaming and Soul’s destiny as we walk the Path of Divine Love.

In these beautiful attunements of Light, as each one of our Higher Selves come forward, they offer to us symbolic representations of the Codes of Abundance Consciousness in the form of chi balls, which we activate through our chakras, to amplify our field of Prosperity Consciousness.

We end this transmission with a series of beautiful abundance affirmations.

Quantum Healing Activations

90-minute to 120-minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

Join us in this two-hour telewebinar transmission as we amplify our healing gifts working with our own Galactic Healing Team and deepen into the One Heart of All That Is.

In this transmission we travel into the Temple of Quantum Healing and with the assistance of the Galactic Healing Teams and our Beloved I Am Presence, we clear the remnants of old false beliefs and judgments, dis-comforts and dis-ease from within the Emotional Energy Centers of the Body as well as activating the Meridians, Nadis, Chakras and Axiatonal Lines. This Purification process further facilitates the actualization of the I Am Avatar Crystalline Diamond Light Codes of Soul Embodiment within the hologram, energy field and body as we walk the Path of Divine Love.

As we focus on each Emotional Energy Center, the Galactic Healing Team bring in a Quantum Healing Grid of Light and specific Light frequency spectrums to alleviate, and release stuck emotions, pictures, patternings and related frequencies.

The Emotional Energy Centers of the Body we work with are as follows:

Throat Center: Self-Expression Issues. Lack of trust. Lack of nurturing.

False beliefs: I am alone. I cannot trust others. I am unseen and unheard. I have no voice.

Shoulders ~ Burden areas: I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.
False beliefs: No one can do what I can. No-one understands me. Life is tough.

Heart Center: Grief, sorry, sadness, abandonment and loss.

False beliefs: I am unloved. I am unappreciated. I am sad. I am helpless. I always feel so much pain. The universe does not support me.

Fear Center (Solar Plexus area): Fears and Phobias. Loss of control. Giving our power to others. Lack of trust.

False beliefs: I am not in control. I am always been taken advantage off. Other people take my power. I am powerless. Bad things always happen to me.

Anger Center (Right side of the body, waist area): Anger and Rage. Anger at others. Anger at Self. Jealousy. Resentment.

False beliefs: Others are always better off than I am. The world is full of people who only care about themselves.

Guilt/Shame/Unworthiness Center (Left side of the body, waist area): Unacceptance. Self-Judgment, Self-Criticism.

False beliefs: I am not worthy. I am not good enough. No-one will ever love me. I am always going to be alone.

Old Stuff Center (Sacral): Family Sexual Issues. Childhood Conditioning. Violation of Body or Personal Space.

False beliefs: I am not safe. Sex is sinful. Others take advantage of me.

Support Area (Right side of body, hip area): Lack of financial support.

False beliefs: I am never going to be able to make a living in what I love doing. I have no money. Money is the root of all evil.

Support Area (Left side of body, hip area): Lack of emotional support.
False beliefs: I am unsupported. I have no friends. No-one understands me. I am different.

Survival Center (Base chakra area): Trauma, accidents, abuse, rape, violations, impotency/frigidity.

False beliefs: I will not survive this. I will never again be able to be intimate with another. I trust no-one. I must protect myself from others at all costs.

Rejection Center (Pelvis area right side of body): Abandonment, Criticism, Judgment by others. Self-rejection.

False beliefs: I am always abandoned by those I love. Others are always judging me. I know I am not good enough. I don’t want to be here. I will never be able to fully love myself.

Betrayal Center (Pelvis area, left side of the body): Betrayed by someone we love. Self-Betrayal.

False beliefs: People always betray me and take advantage of me. This is my karma.


Two Hour Valentine Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

As we experience this Golden Age of Light and New Beginnings, we come into a deeper understanding of our own unique preciousness and Light, and the knowing that we are all One. Most Light workers now stepping out of the old karmic or shadow mate relationships and into the Twin Flame energy to deepen their service work through Divine sacred re-union with their entire Soul cluster.

If we have chosen the Soul contract of experiencing union with another, we have a desire for this re-union and often have a sense of this Soul energy in the dream state or in a deepening sense of connecting on the inner planes, for these Twin Flame contracts are mostly experienced when in alignment with the Divine, when we recognize the Self in another. We have a sense of Oneness, of feeling like we have always known this person, as this Soul resonance is so close to our own.

We may also have chosen the Soul contract of experiencing the energy of our Twin Flame on the inner planes, and this energy matrix can also be activated through the body and energy field in deep states of bliss or cosmic orgasm.

And for many, there are also the Soul contracts in which combining the Flames of the Twin Souls within One Soul cluster and then the Soul group is now a predominant focus. This is starting to be experienced by more Light workers now, as we experience ourselves as the I Am Avatar race through the merger and integration of our multidimensional Selves, our Higher Selves. These Soul contracts, combining the Flames of Twin Souls within one Soul cluster, has incredible potential to shift the consciousness of all Life within the chosen planet or star system, as well as assist in bringing about a deeper sense of Union with the Divine for their own Soul group, as all 12 Soul paired rays within this cluster ascend into a higher state of consciousness and Light. And these Soul contracts can be experienced through the energy of the Twin Flame initially, either in physical form or discarnate form, and from here, within the Soul cluster.

This telewebinar will further take us through the Uniting of Flames Rites to deepen our understanding of how we are coming together as the sacred Flames of Love in Twin Flames re-unions collectively to deepen our service work and shift the consciousness of all Life on this earth plane.

These Uniting of Flames Rites covers:

The different types of Soul mates and how does this differs from Twin Flames ~ understanding the different Soul and karmic contracts

Embracing and loving ourselves ~holding ourselves in gentleness and safety ~forgiving and loving ourselves and others and healing the wounds of the Divine Masculine and Feminine

Activation of the 13-Body chakra system

Integrating the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light

Connecting to our Twin Flame ~ creating balance in wholeness and activating the kundalini and tantric channels

This will be a beautiful transmission on the energy of Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Soul Clusters and a ReUnion of Hearts on the Inner Planes.


Activation of the Lemurian Seed Crystals

90-Min Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

Join us as we travel to the Pyramid of Lemuria, and receive eight Lemurian Seed Crystals, holding the knowledge and story of Lemuria. Seeded by the Lemurians, these crystals are encoded with the wisdom, Love and unity of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and the Lemurian Golden Ages of Light.

The Diamond Flame of Purity and Melchizedek Consciousness activates through and within the Lemuria Pyramid of Light and from here into the Crystalline Cities of Light, the primary vortices of Mother Earth and into the Hollow Earth, to bring forth the activation of the encoded Lemurian Seed Crystals. In this sacred Planetary activity of Light, we enter into the Lemurian Pyramid in Soul consciousness, and Overlighted by many Illumined Beings of Light from On High, we activate the Lemurian Seed Crystals through our own hearts, and the hearts of all humanity; in the knowing that we are all sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, embracing the karmic timelines to experience the Christed timelines, and moving beyond the illusions of realities into Oneness.

The Lemurian Seed Crystals are Overlighted and infused energetically by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Lemurian Elders,  Devas, Nature Spirit Intelligence and Lemurian dragons, and further align into the Hollow Earth and Inner Sun, the Sun, Galactic center and the Central Sun. As we connect into the Lemurian Seed Crystalline Consciousness of Light, we further activate the Lemurian Seed Crystals through the Unity Grid and the Inner Earth, and into all physical Lemurian Seed Crystal and our own crystals through these master key codes of Light, colors and sacred geometries.

During the last days of Lemuria, knowing that Lemuria would soon be destroyed, the Lemurian Elders decided to seed crystals programmed to transmit a message of Oneness. They knew that there would be a time in the forward evolution of Humanity when the Lemurian energy of One Unity Consciousness and the connection with Nature Intelligence would again be experienced, and this time is now. They further established a living library within Agartha holding the records of the Golden Ages of Lemuria, and following the activation of the Lemurian Seed Crystals, we enter into this beautiful living library within the hollow earth.

The eight Lemurian Seed Crystals are:

The Lemurian Seed Quartz Crystal, a master healer which can be used for any condition. Overlighted by the Pleiadians and Sirians, the Lemurian Elders, the Deva of Healing, Pan, and the inner plane Psychic surgeons.

The Smoky Lemurian Seed Crystal, an effective karmic cleanser, releases us from the unconsciousness of the victim and persecutor consciousness in forgiveness and compassion as we walk both the karmic and Christed Timelines. Overlighted by the Pleiadians and Sirians, the Lemurian Elders, and the Lemurian Dragons.

The Citrine Lemurian Seed Crystal brings a deep sense of the spiritual abundance that we can access through our gifts and skills from past or parallel realities and dimensions to deepen our service work in this Now.  Overlighted by the Pleiadians and Sirians, the Lemurian Elders, and the Overlighting Deva of Healing.

The Tangerine Dream Lemurian Seed Crystal activates Soul re-alignment as it aligns into the original Divine Blueprint.  Overlighted by the Pleiadians and Sirians, the Lemurian Elders,  and the Deva of the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.

The Pink Lemurian Seed Crystal attunes to the pink flame of unconditional compassionate Love. Overlighted by the Pleiadians and Sirians, the Lemurian Elders and the Divine Mother archetype.

The Blue Lemurian Seed Crystal connects us to the pre-birth Council Members, Soul and Star family, and offers us an overview of lives, why we choose to incarnate at this Now and what our lessons are or have been in this and other lifetimes. Overlighted by the Pleiadians and Sirians, the Lemurian Elders and the Karmic Board.

The Divine Solar Fire Lemurian Seed Crystal is a beautiful red crystal with blazes of oranges and violet, connecting us to the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun within our hearts, the Sun, and the Great Central Sun. Overlighted by the Pleiadians and Sirians, the Lemurian Elders and Helios and Vesta.

The Golden Lemurian Quartz Seed Crystal is a beautiful record keeper, connecting us to the Akashic Records and the Inner Earth Library to bring forth the knowing of all that we need to experience in each Now moment through our Golden Hearts. Overlighted by the Pleiadians and Sirians, the Lemurian Elders, and the 12 Tribal Councils of the Inner Earth.

Come join us in this sacred activation of the Lemurian Seed Crystals in the remembrance, celebration and integration of the Lemurian Golden Ages of Light.


Christ Consciousness Soul Purpose Activation
90-Min Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

90-minute to 120-minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

Join Anrita and the Elders in this telewebinar transmission, taking us ever deeper into our heart’s dreaming and the remembrance of our Soul purpose. It is a time of greatness, as we follow our Divine Blueprint, the blueprints of a starseed.

Whether we are coming into a deeper remembrance ourselves at this Now moment, or whether we are already in Service, a beautiful manual, co-created with the Beings of Light from On High, the Christ Consciousness Soul purpose activation will be the focus of this teleseminar, taking us deeper into our heart’s dreaming, into our heart’s passion and Soul purpose here on earth.

Anrita will start with a transmission by the Elders, and an understanding of our Soul’s purpose. Following this, you will be guided through the Christ Consciousness Soul purpose activation. In this process, we connect to our Higher Light and activate the chakras to a deeper level of Divine Love, as we experience the pathway of Christ Consciousness, of One Unity Consciousness. Additionally, we come into a deeper sense of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and our ability to co-create with the Company of Heaven in fulfilling our Soul purpose.

In the Christ Consciousness Soul purpose activation, we focus on the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, a three dimensional six-pointed star, as this shape connects us into the original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and our Soul purpose. The original Divine eight-cell blueprint does not change as our cells replicate and die off every five to seven years. Our original Divine eight-cell blueprint contains not only our Soul and karmic contracts and genetic lineage, but further the original blueprint of our Highest Potential and service work.

We start by activating the soul star chakra found approximately 15 cm above the crown chakra along the central channel (also called the antakarana). This takes us deeper into our Soul purpose. From here, we activate the geometry of the star tetrahedron within the soul star chakra, and link it to the heart chakra. This connects us to our heart’s dreaming, allowing us to truly see and sense our heart’s passion.

We then activate the earth star chakra, found 15 cm below the feet. This process assists us as we start to ground our Soul purpose, knowing that we have the ability to magnetize and manifest and bring into our reality all that we need in any given Now moment.  From here, we activate the geometry of the star tetrahedron within the earth star chakra, and link it into the solar plexus chakra. This assists us to bring into our reality, with discernment, those that can support us in our Soul’s purpose.

Following this, we connect the chakras in Divine Love and Unity Consciousness through the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, so we may truly know ourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. We further experience an activation opening the heart through the pathway of Christ Consciousness, ending with an activation to align to the Heart of the Creator, and the Earth Heart.

All participants to this telewebinar will receive the Christ Consciousness Soul purpose activation manual upon registering.  You will be able to use this manual for the activation on yourselves, friends, family and clients. The manual is written simply, with illustrations and invocations, in order that those awakening can understand clearly, and for advanced initiates, an excellent tool to share with others.


It is the time Now to share our gifts with others. To assist in the awakening of others, and to ignite a deep sense of passion, of joy and of purpose within our own lives. And, the Christ Consciousness Soul purpose activation manual is a perfect tool to assist us in the expansion of our heart’s dreaming and individual puzzle piece, and the collective heart’s dreaming of all Life, that of Unity Consciousness.

Embracing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Principles in Unity Consciousness

90-minute to 120-minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

As we deepen into this new Golden Age of transformation and transmutation, we are invited to experience the Cosmic Fire of Divine Love and Universal Peace, amplified through the Sun and Solar Core and the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta.

We are further experiencing the expansion of the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth through the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, which brings for each of us a renewed balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine principles. Additionally, as this star-tetrahedronal shape activates through our original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, and within and around the Light Body of Mother Earth, we experience a merging of the Divine Feminine and Masculine archetypes of Light, the opening of a Peace Portal, and the anchoring of an etheric Temple of Divine Love through the Blueprints of Creation. As we connect to the Sun, the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun, we collectively create a deeper reverence for all men and women through empowerment, wisdom, justice, reverence and Divine Love.

The energy of the Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light is experienced energetically through the second ray Ashram of Love-Wisdom, and through the Office of the Christed One. Through the Overlighting of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Ascended Ray of Christ we heal all our relationships of abuse and abuser, and embrace our full range of emotions, as we experience the Divine Feminine archetypes of the Goddess, Mother/Queen, Priestess, Warrioress, Lover and Wise Woman, and the Divine Masculine archetypes of God, Father/King, Priest, Warrior, Lover, and Sage.

As we merge with our Divine Feminine and Masculine Spirits, we bring a focus to the Stargate Peace Portal activation, and the energetic creation of a Temple of Divine Love through the Light Body of Mother Earth, anchoring the Light grids for a deeper level of Divine Love and Universal Peace to be experienced on the sacred earth by every man, woman and child, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.

There is an expansion of the collective Christ Consciousness being experienced at this time, as we deepen into the Christed Timelines and New Earth Templates. We hold this focus for ourselves and all Life in this Golden Age of Light, as together we experience and know ourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in full expression of our Divinity.

Come and join us in the beautiful telewebinar masterclass as we come together as One Heart, with these beautiful Light encoded transmissions, invocations and affirmations.

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements

90-minute to 120-minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

As we experience the Sacred Cosmic Fire of Illumination, and a deeper sense of our own wisdom in insight and understanding, we are further offered the opportunity to experience the Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale attunements.

The Golden Dolphins and Whales from Sirius B carry the energy signature of Divine unconditional Love, which they emit through their energy field and sonic vibrations, as they anchor and activate their Light through the crystalline grids within the oceans of Mother Earth and within and around the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.

These beautiful Beings stepped down their vibration prior to the duality experiment on this Earth plane to embed the keycodes of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. As now, in this Golden Age of Light, as we collectively merge timelines, from the karmic timelines into the Christed timelines through the integration of our Beloved I Am Presence and multidimensional Selves, we are offered an opportunity to recode these crystalline frequencies, the OMM-Wave resonance of Divine Unconditional Love for ourselves and for all Humanity through linking to the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale pods.

In this transmission, Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and the Andromedan Integalactic Beings of the Light, we experience a series of seven Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale attunements.

These attunements are as follows:

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Multidimensional Merging Attunement ~ This attunement activates the occipital lobe found at the base and back of the head. The occipital lobe regulates the flow of information from the higher dimensions and our multidimensional Selves, so we start to experience a greater sense of our multidimensionality and the many parallel realities in which we simultaneously exist.

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Illumination Attunement ~ this attunement links to the pineal gland to activate the third eye and vision center through insight, understanding, compassion, wisdom and illumination; giving us greater clarity as to where we are in this Now, and what we are still integrating or choosing to experience.

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Sacred Geometry Attunement ~ this attunement connects through our Higher Self of the Light to rebirth the original Patterns of Perfection in the form of sacred geometries within the body and energy field, additionally assisting in activating the dormant DNA.

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Communication Attunement ~ this attunement assists us to connect to the Angelic realms and receive clear communication, guidance and support from the many Legions of Light from On High.

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Crystalline Matrix Attunement ~ this attunement assists in the Soul contract healings and the activation of the Light Bodies through spinning the sub-atomic particles in the crystalline matrix of Unity Consciousness

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Divine Love Attunement ~ this attunement activates the Soul matrix through the heart chakra to giving and receiving the highest level of unconditional Love and joy we are able to receive in this Now.

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Heart’s dreaming Attunement ~ this attunement takes us into a deeper level of our service work, and the passion we experience when we are in the full flow of trust and surrender to Life through our heart’s dreaming.

We will end this transmission with a focus on connecting through the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, linking with the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale pods, the many Legions of Light, Light Workers and star seeded ones as we activate this collective OMM-Wave resonance of Divine Unconditional Love for ourselves and for all Humanity.

 The Arcturian Cosmic Heart Activations

120-minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

Join Anrita in this beautiful heartfelt masterclass transmission as we deepen into our magnificence and Light walking the Path of Divine Love.

As the Patterns of Perfection and New Earth Templates are amplified in this sacred Now moment, we are invited to experience Seven Arcturian Cosmic Heart Activations Overlighted by the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light and assisted by many of the Legions of Light from On High.

As we experience the Arcturian Cosmic Heart Activations we are taken on-board an Arcturian Light Ship. Activating our Arcturian 5D Crystalline Templating Cloak of Light and the Golden Petals of our Christed Heart, we enter seven different Cosmic Heart Chambers, each one taking us deeper into our Christed Heart and the knowing of ourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

These seven Cosmic Heart Activations are:

The Arcturian Healing Heart Activation

The Arcturian Healing Heart Activation works on different levels, emotionally and physically in clearing old frozen miasms, judgments and false beliefs, as well as rejuvenating and regenerating the physical body. Additionally, we are taken deeper into acceptance and appreciation of each feeling, of each emotion as we embrace every sub-personality aspect of ourselves within our Christed Heart.

The Arcturian Self Mastery Heart Activation

The Arcturian Self Mastery Heart Activation links us to the knowing of ourselves as Initiates of Light. The Arcturians assist in connecting the heart chakra and third eye, as we enter the timelines of ourselves as the Priests and Priestesses to the Order of Melchizedek. We experience the Left Eye of Horus and then the Right Eye of Horus, taking on the remembrance of the Teachings of Light of the Eye of Horus through this Self Mastery Heart Activation.

The Arcturian Forgiveness Heart Activation

Surrounded in the Arcturian Violet Silver Quantum Healing Flame of Light and the Overlighting of Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, the Arcturian Forgiveness Heart Activation takes us deeper along the Path of Forgiveness as we release blame and judgment. In these beautiful Flames of Forgiveness, we find ourselves coming deeper into humility, looking through our Master Eyes at all of Life around us.

The Arcturian Galactic Heart Activation

The Arcturian Galactic Heart Activation deepens our connects to the Divine Masculine and Feminine Deities as well as our own Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits within our Hearts Temple. Additionally, we activate the Kundalini and Tantric channels to experience of the Patterns of Perfection and Unity Consciousness.

Arcturian Ascension Heart Activation

The Arcturian Ascension Heart Activation amplifies our Light Bodies, as we energetically rewire into the higher dimensions and multidimensional realities.

Arcturian Star Portals Heart Activation

The Arcturian Star Portals Heart Activation assists us to deepen our connection to out Star Family of the Light. As we merge with each one of the core groups of the Christed ET’s, each Star Council, we receive the impressions and images of our connection to each one of these core groups as well as the service work that we are involved in, in this Lifetime and in parallel realities. Additionally, each Star Council will further activate the Star Ki codes through the original Divine Eight Cell Blueprint.

Arcturian DNA Heart Activation

Lastly, we experience the Arcturian DNA Heart Activation, which aligns into our original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and assists in activating our Crystalline Sun DNA templates of Light, spinning the sub-atomic particles and chakras through the appropriate Fibonacci ratios, into the New Earth frequencies of Divine Love.

Working with Invocations, Affirmations and Heart Frequency Activations with the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light as well as many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, we connect into the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light and Unity Grid. As One Unified Cosmic Heart. Furthermore, we make these energies of Divine Unconditional Love available for all Life on this sacred earth, while moving deeper into our own heart’s, magnificence and Light. And so it is.

The Seven Sacred Fires of Purification

Rituals for New Earthers

90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Join Anrita as we experience the Seven Sacred Cosmic Fires of Purification. The Sacred Cosmic Fire of Purification in its simplest form is the expansion of Spiritual Light within the physical body, energy field and hologram, allowing us to deepen into Self Mastery as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. From the stillness of the Loving Heart and the Wisdom of the Higher Mind, we purify our frequency and energy and expand our Soul Light, as we deepen into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, whilst releasing and transforming all that no longer serves us.

Through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logii, as well as the many Christed ET’s from On High, we experience Seven Sacred Fires of Purification Rituals.

These Rituals are:

Home Purification

Physical Body Purification

Emotional Body Purification

Relationship Purification

Karmic Purification

Spiritual Purification

Mother Earth Purification

Each Ritual connects us to a core group of Light Beings, and the Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold Flames of Purification. Through invocation, activation and affirmation, we are offered an opportunity to increase our frequency and alignment to the Divine and New Earth Templates and lift the frequency and vibration for all Life upon this sacred earth.

We are Master Co-Creators to the Company of Heaven, and through our heart’s dreaming, alchemy, ritual and magic, we are able to magnetize and manifest all that we need in any given Now moment as we expand our service work and deepen into One Unity Consciousness.

Benefits to this Masterclass include:

Greater awareness of Self and collective frequency as the I Am Avatar Consciousness

A deeper alignment to the Heart of Mother/Father God

Releasing of old habits, judgments, and false beliefs

Bringing awareness to new habits that amplify our Light Quotient

Rejuvenation and regeneration of the physical/energy bodies

Increased vitality and energy

Deeper communication with the I Am Avatar Consciousness and Soul Groups on the inner planes

Expansion of our Service work upon this sacred earth

Forgiving, loving and letting go

Being in the Now Moment


Expanding the Love of God upon this sacred earth

Come and join us in this heartfelt Masterclass as we come together as One Heart, One Love and One Unified Field of Light.

Bio-circuitry Recalibration with the Star Councils

   90-minute to 120-minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

In this Golden Age of Light, as all Life is lifted into the next level of their Soul’s Forward Evolution and Mother Earth activates more deeply into the New Earth Templates, we are offered an opportunity to experience a bio-circuitry recalibration of our lower bodies, physical body parts and organs.

Due to the numerous Planetary activities of Light in this sacred Now moment, all Life is experiencing a frequency upgrade into the higher dimensional fields of Light. For many of us, the frequency upgrades have been experienced through flu like symptoms, body aches and pains and additionally, dizziness or short-term memory loss as we experience multiple timelines, integrating into a deeper sense of our magnificence and Light.

The Star Councils share with us that they are infusing the Unity Grid of Divine Love, the Planetary Axiatonal lines, Mother Earth’s chakras and the planetary nadial network with interdimensional tonal resonators (geometries, sounds and colors) and programs of Light, taking us deeper into Cosmic Christ Consciousness and alignment with the Divine.

As the essence of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness on this sacred earth is amplified through the I Am Avatar Consciousness, and tonal resonators of the higher dimensional Light Programs of Consciousness, the 12 Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs within and around the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love activate to form a Golden Solar Sun Shield of Divine Love around this sacred earth and around our energy fields.

Gathering in momentum the Golden Solar Sun Shield of Divine Love activates around our energy fields and with this, the Star Council Medical teams step forward and initially activate our meridians, nadis, chakras and axiatonal lines with the Interdimensional tonal resonators. Then drawing upon the Golden Solar Sun Shield of Divine Love and holographic counterparts, they assist in the healing, rejuvenation and regeneration of the bladder, kidney, gall bladder, stomach, large intestine, lungs, liver, spleen, heart, circulation-sex, triple warmer and small intestine, along the meridian lines as well as any other area of dis-comfort within the physical/etheric bodies.

This process further activates the spin points found along these acupuncture meridian lines. There are 12 spin points activated through each meridian, creating 144 spin points of particular sound and color frequencies at each dimensional level. As the axiatonal lines are activated, we experience a rejuvenation of our body organs as well as merging with our multidimensional Selves working with the Star Councils.

From here, we activate our 12 primary chakras with the Golden Solar Sun Shield of Divine Love, and end with the activation and circulation of the tantric and kundalini channels to these higher dimensional frequency fields of Light.

A wonderful process of healing, rejuvenation and regeneration on all levels of our beingness as we step into greater levels of health, vitality, and Divine Love. As these multidimensional Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love we draw upon our connection to the Meldekian Star Council, the Orion Star Council, the Venusian Star Council, the Arcturian Star Council, the Vegan Star Council, the Niburian Star Council, the Sirian Star Council, the Alpha Centaurian Star Council, the Pleiadian Star Council, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light High Council, the Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council.

Join Anrita in this wonderful transmission as we come together as the I Am Avatar Race, experiencing a greater re-union of hearts and good health.

Activation of our six multidimensional Light Bodies and integration of the Inner Christ

 90-minute to 120-minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

Join Anrita in this wonderful masterclass in which we are offered the opportunity to receive six multidimensional Light Body activations and to align to the Inner Christ, through the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence and the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

We will travel in Soul Consciousness through the Overlighting of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High and the Christed ET’s to inner plane Ashrams of Light, receiving keycodes and sacred geometries to activate our Light Bodies at each of the various dimensions of Light. As we travel to the Ashrams of Light in the Sun and Solar Core, the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, the Kingdoms of Light in Orion and from here, into a portal of Light in Alpha Omega into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we will merge with our multidimensional Selves at each of these dimensions as we further receive powerful invocations, affirmations and Light frequency codes to fully activate our multidimensional Light Bodies.

These six multidimensional Light Bodies are our:

Copper-Gold multidimensional Light Body

Silver multidimensional Light Body

Silver-Gold multidimensional Light Body

Golden-White multidimensional Light Body

Platinum multidimensional Light Body

Diamond multidimensional Light Body

From here, we journey into the Crystalline City of Light in the etheric of Venus, and then into the Cosmic Christ Ashram in Shamballa, as we actualize our inner Christ, our universe.

As we connect into the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Christed Light of every man, woman and child on this earth plane choosing to experience this Golden Age of Light, we experience this next wave of awakening through our Inner Christ. Merging and integrating deepening levels of our Multidimensional Selves and Beloved I Am Presence in this global renaissance of Divine Love, we accelerate into New Earth and One Unity Consciousness as the I Am Avatar race. And so it is and so it shall be.

The Atlantean Pyramid and the 12 Master Crystal Temples of Light

“The Pyramid of Atlantis etherically houses the 12 Master Crystal Temples from Atlantis, which opens the dimensional portals to all dimensions of Light, to all Golden Ages of Light, and with this, allows the Crystalline Consciousness emanating from these Master Crystals to activate at a cellular level, and through the chakras, taking you beyond the illusion of realities in time on this Earth plane. To the knowing sweet ones, that you are supreme creator in form within the quantum crystalline field of One Unity Consciousness. To heal what needs to be healed, and to truly experience and know yourselves in your full magnificence and Light through the celebration of the Divinity of every thought, feeling and action”.

Join Anrita and the Elders as we travel in Soul consciousness into the Golden Pyramid of Atlantis, and from here, enter into each of the 12 Master Crystal Temples of Atlantis Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and with Thoth as our Master Guide. We experience a deeper integration and activation of these twelve Master Crystals, as they activate through the 12 primary chakras within our bodies, and additionally draw up all the gifts, sacred geometries and healing energies of the Atlantean Light Grid Crystalline frequencies through affirmations, invocations and the Christed Timelines

From here, we enter into the Halls of Amenti and experience the personal living library of our Golden Age lifetimes and service work in Atlantis.

These Twelve Master Crystal Temples of Atlantis are:

The Diamond Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface

The Ruby Fire Crystal Temple of Energy

The Rose Crystal Temple of Creative Energy

The Sacred Crystal Temple of Thoth

The Emerald Crystal Temple of Healing

The Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration

The Violet Crystal Temple of Sound

The Blue Crystal of Knowledge

The Platinum Crystal Temple of Communication

The Silver Crystal Temple of Divine Love

The Golden-White Crystal Temple of Unity Consciousness

The Sun-Moon Crystal Temple of Light

Join us in this powerful transmission of Light, as together we co-create Heaven on Earth in this sacred Golden Age of Light. And so it is.

This first link is the Mp3 without background music

The Arcturian 5D Crystalline Templating Cloak of Light

  90-minute to 120-minute masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

With and without background music

Join Anrita as we connect with the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light and travel to their Crystal Temple of Light to experience and activate the Arcturian 5D Templating Crystalline Cloak of Light.

The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light are 5th – 7th dimensional Light Beings, advanced healing technicians and master healers, who have gifted us with many wonderful Spiritual tools and techniques, and now offer us another multidimensional healing tool.

The Arcturian 5D Crystalline Templating Cloak of Light radiates and activates the new earth templates, neutralizes lower frequencies and contains within it numerous programs of Light. Each Crystalline Templating Cloak of Light contains both individual and collective Light signatures. What this means is that whatever you are still working with from a 3D perspective individually will be recalibrating to the highest energy signature possible according to your level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, and following this, allow you to radiate these Light signatures of Light to others through your individual Crystalline Templating Cloak of Light. In essence, this is a multidimensional Light cloak containing numerous programs of Light that creates frequency and dimensional remodulation, and can be likened to a master crystal with unlimited points of Light.

To start with, you will activate your Light Body/Merkaba field assisting by the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light through their Merkaba counterpart in Arcturus. You will then be taken in Soul consciousness into the Arcturian Crystal Temple of Light, a multidimensional “Central Station” also used by many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High to assist earth Souls and other beings in the ascension process.

Within a beautiful diamond octahedronal shaped Temple of Light, you will receive your 5D Templating Crystalline Cloak of Light. The Arcturian Emissaries of Light will initially activate several programs of Light through your 5D Templating Cloak of Light and you will then have the opportunity to activate your own individual programs of Light.

Programs activated include:

Light Quotient Building

Soul matrix amplifier

Diamond Cylinder activation

Multidimensional Healing ~ past, present and future

Healing heart activation

Karmic rebalancing

Matrix Removal Programs

3D to 5D alignment

Cellular clearing

Multidimensional Light body activation

Light Synthesis Activation

Soul purpose review

Divine Love reactivation

New Earth Template activation

The advanced technologies of the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light are available to us all, and this beautiful 5D Crystalline Templating Cloak of Light further activates many of the individual and collective key codes and Light frequencies we are needing simply by giving our permission. The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light are looking forward to connecting with us and assisting us on our ascension journey.
