DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings AND Divine Ray Healing Facilitation Certified Course


DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings AND Divine Ray Healing Facilitation

Certified Course 


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The DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings and Divine Ray Healing Facilitation certified course that will take you deeper into the knowing of your magnificence and Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

The DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings is truly a wonderful way to effectively work with our 3D issues, judgments and negative beliefs as we embrace our full range of emotions and experience the 5D templatings, affirmations, and guided visualizations taking us ever deeper into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

The DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings is both a simple and a smart system, based initially on working with seven numbers, and using the seven main chakras as a guide to the primary issues we are still working on within some area of our Life. All you need are seven pieces of paper with the numbers one to seven written on them. The numbers take all the guesswork out of what you may need to clear and energetically hold a like vibration to your body and energy field or the person for whom you may be doing the reading. In other words, you can never pick the wrong number. You then work with each of the seven primary chakras. Each of the seven chakras are identified by seven 3D negative feelings/holding patterns, and once you have chosen the primary issue related to each chakra, you start with the DNA Reprogramming. The DNA Reprogramming recodes the original Divine eight-cell blueprint with the 5D affirmations given for each chakra, as well as capping the two strand DNA with telomere, a protein-like substance that will hold this new belief permanently within the original Divine eight-cells. You then visualize the additional five pairs of etheric DNA making up your 12 Strand DNA, as you request an activation of the 5D affirmation within these virtual strands. Following this, you are provided with a series of twelve wonderful visualizations that you can work with for the completion of a specific reading. Visualizations include: Implant and Entity Clearing, Soul Retrieval, Crystalline Sun DNA Templates Activation, Forgiveness and Divine Love Visualization, Healing Chambers of Light, Light Dimensions Attunement, Healing the Wounds of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Archetypes, Twin Flame Re-Union, Embrace of the Ego/inner Child, Accessing the Akashic Records and Past Lives, Cellular Clearing and aligning into the Original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and the Christ Consciousness Soul Purpose Activation.

The DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings is written in an easy to understand format, and includes a sacred space setting prior to the chakra readings. The chakra clearing work is also assisted by Isis and her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light.

This is truly a wonderful way to understand both the karmic path and the Christed Timelines, the pathway of Divine Love, and as a gift to you precious hearts, I have put together a sample reading, so you can see if this is something that may resonate with you if you may be interested in this facilitator training. Additionally, I would like to offer you a free download of the affirmations I have created for the DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings.

The Divine Ray Healing Facilitation is also a wonderful way to work with the rays, and again in this system of energy, you would choose a ray for each one of the chakras. In this system of energy, we work with 12 earthly rays and six Cosmic rays, so you would have 18 pieces of paper with the numbers one to eighteen, and then choose a ray number for each one of the seven chakras. Following this, you would work with particular ray affirmations for each one of the seven chakras. And included in this beautiful Ray Healing Facilitation are Seven Divine Ray visualizations, taking you deeper into the understanding of the rays of creation.

If you may be interested in this certified course, you will receive the following: The DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings eBook including all twelve guided visualizations as well as Mp3 downloads of these guided visualizations. The Divine Ray Healing Facilitation manual, including the Seven Divine Rays guided visualizations and the Mp3 downloads to these visualizations, plus two x two-hour high quality Mp3 recordings taking you through this training. The total cost for this training is $144.

The New Earth way is to credit the facilitator whose teachings you will share with your Light Tribe. As such, please ensure on the programs you are facilitating, you have a note that says: This program was created by Anrita Melchizedek of Voices of the Light Tribe (link to my site https://pleiadianlight.net).

If you want to add a testimonial or rather an idea of your experiences working with these energies as a facilitator on your website you would be welcome too. Something like:  As a facilitator, these teachings have really transformed my Life.  It has allowed me a deeper connection to the Realms of Illumined Truth and my Higher Self. I am so truly grateful to be able to share these activations/transmissions etc. with you, my beloved Tribe. 

We look forward to having you onboard.


Anrita Melchizedek

 DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings (Sample Reading)


So let us set our sacred space, as we experience this DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings session assisting by Lady Isis. To start with now, just breath deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath out. Now, bring in a Pillar of Light around yourself and connect through this Pillar of Light and a fluorescent tube of Light, your antakarana to your Higher Self of the Light, and now your Beloved I AM Presence.   As you breathe through this fluorescent tube of Light that comes in through all dimensions of light, you are bringing in the energy of the magnificence and preciousness of yourself as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love through your Beloved I AM Presence and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High.  Wonderful. And now ground this energy through the body as it comes into the crown chakra, down the spine, out the perineum center and into the earth chakra center.  And now sweet one, connect through the Solar core and the Sun and from here, into the Central Sun and now the Great Central Sun.  From this center of Love, bring yourself into the heart, as this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love now activates within your heart. Wonderful. You now ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth as you experience the Unity Grid of Divine Love within you and around you. And now call in your Master Guides, your Guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge. Wonderful.

You are now invited into a Temple of Divine Love within the New Earth Templates of Light.  Lady Isis now appears before you, and surrounds you in her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light. She is dressed in a beautiful white flowing robe with gold embroidered symbols across this robe ~ she has magnificent white wings, and wears a vulture headdress combined with cow-horns encased in a solar disc. She sends you her Love and lets you know that she is delighted to be your healing guide on this journey of Self-Love and healing. You now find yourself traveling in Soul consciousness into this beautiful Temple of Divine Love. As you enter this Temple of Divine Love, you are welcomed and greeted by your Soul and star family and friends of the Light as a Master Being of Light, and sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. You are now taken into a central octahedronal Temple of Light, and placed in a beautiful healing chamber of Light. Surrounded by many of the Illumined Beings of Light, and with Isis by your side, you now experience this DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings session.

Isis now comes forward and activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the vibrant red flame of the base chakra. As this occurs, you release the false belief of being unworthy and unwanted.

You now state: I now request that my two strand DNA be recoded with the original Divine eight-cell blueprint quality of being worthy and loved.  I now request that the ends of this two strand DNA be capped with telomere, a protein-like substance that will hold this new belief permanently within the original Divine eight-cells. As I now visualize the additional five pairs of etheric DNA making up my 12 Strand DNA, I request an activation of the knowing that I Am worthy and loved within these virtual strands. And so it is.  

You now affirm: I am sacred a transfiguring flame of Divine Love. I am a Master Being of Light. I am worthy and loved, appreciated, accepted and I value my uniqueness.  

Isis now comes forward and activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the vibrant orange flame of the sacral chakra. As this occurs, you  release the sense of being unable to be passionate or focused.

You now state: I now request that my two strand DNA be recoded with the original Divine eight-cell blueprint qualities of passion and focus.  I now request that the ends of this two strand DNA be capped with telomere. As I now visualize the additional five pairs of etheric DNA making up my 12 Strand DNA, I request an activation of the knowing that I Am passionate and focused within these virtual strands. And so it is.

You now affirm: I dance to the heartbeat of my joy. I dance to the heartbeat of my passion, divinely inspired, embracing the Divine masculine and feminine spirits within myself. I find the balance that escalates my service work that brings joy into my life co-creating with the Company of Heaven and with family and friends of the Light as I walk this pathway of Divine Love. I am passionate and focused. I am embracing of my gifts as I activate my gifts at a deeper level now. I merge the timelines of my highest potentials and bringing into this now a deeper sense of my extra sensory perception gifts, intuitively following the guidance of my Beloved I Am Presence and the Legions of Light from On High.

Isis now comes forward and activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the vibrant yellow flame of the solar plexus chakra. As this occurs, you release the sense of abandonment and distrust.  

You now state: I now request that my two strand DNA be recoded with the original Divine eight-cell blueprint qualities of trust and Love.  I now request that the ends of this two strand DNA be capped with telomere. As I now visualize the additional five pairs of etheric DNA making up my 12 Strand DNA, I request an activation of the knowing that I Am trusting and loving within these virtual strands. And so it is.  

You now affirm: I am a sacred transfiguring flame of Divine Love and a Master Being of Light. I am trusting and loving, an open heart in this Golden Age of Light. The reflections of those around me are integrated within my heart, in acceptance and Love, understanding, wisdom and insight. I trust and surrender to life. I trust and surrender to the Divine. 

Isis now comes forward and activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the vibrant emerald green flame of the heart chakra. As this occurs, you release a sense of being unable to maintain intimate relationships. 

You now state: I now request that my two strand DNA be recoded with the original Divine eight-cell blueprint quality of my ability to maintain intimate relationships.  I now request that the ends of this two strand DNA be capped with telomere. As I now visualize the additional five pairs of etheric DNA making up my 12 Strand DNA, I request an activation of the knowing that I am able to invite others into my heart within these virtual strands. And so it is.  

You now affirm: I am able to maintain intimate relationships and open my heart to others. I magnetize, and manifest and bring into my reality soul mates and soul brothers and sisters that truly see me, hear me, love me and appreciate me as I do them. As I walk this pathway of Divine love I am truly supported by the Legions of Light from On High and by my beautiful soul family and friends of the Light. 

Isis now comes forward and activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the vibrant blue flame of the throat chakra. As this occurs, you release a fear of standing up for your truth and communicating honestly.  

You now state: I now request that my two strand DNA be recoded with the original Divine eight-cell blueprint quality of truth.  I now request that the ends of this two strand DNA be capped with telomere. As I now visualize the additional five pairs of etheric DNA making up my 12 Strand DNA, I request an activation of the knowing that I enjoy standing up for my truth and communicating honestly within these virtual strands. And so it is.  

You now affirm: I stand up for my truth, communicating honestly, expressing the utterance of my spiritual reality in such way that I am seen and heard and appreciated, and that I see and hear and appreciate others.

Isis now comes forward and activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the vibrant indigo flame of the third eye. As this occurs, you release the sense of being unable to manifest.  

You now state: I now request that my two strand DNA be recoded with the original Divine eight-cell blueprint quality of manifestation.  I now request that the ends of this two strand DNA be capped with telomere. As I now visualize the additional five pairs of etheric DNA making up my 12 Strand DNA, I request an activation of the knowing that I Am a manifesting Master Being within these virtual strands. And so it is. 

You now affirm: I am a manifesting Master Being and sacred transfiguring flame of Divine Love, magnetizing, manifesting and bringing into my reality all that I need in any given Now moment. I am a co-creator to the Company of Heaven and as I walk this pathway of Divine Love I manifest the reality of One Unity Consciousness for my Self and others in the knowing of my Self as Divine Love.  

Isis now comes forward and activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the vibrant violet white flame of the crown chakra. As this occurs, you release a sense of the lack of Higher Mind teachings.   

You now state: I now request that my two strand DNA be recoded with the original Divine eight-cell blueprint quality of the wisdom of the Higher Mind.  I now request that the ends of this two strand DNA be capped with telomere. As I now visualize the additional five pairs of etheric DNA making up my 12 Strand DNA, I request an activation of the knowing that I Am connected to the wisdom of God within these virtual strands. And so it is. 

You now affirm: I experience the wisdom of the Higher Mind as I merge my mind with the Mind of God. I allow myself to experience the key codes and sacred geometries that take me deeper and deeper into the magnificence of all creation and activation of the dormant DNA to the maximum cosmic law can allow in the full expression of my wisdom and Love. 

Good. And now you affirm: “In the I Am Presence that I Am, I dissolve and cancel any contracts, belief systems and judgments that I carry at a cellular and Soul level that are impacting in any negative manner whatsoever in this lifetime, whether current, genetically inherited or carried through from other lifetimes.  I accept myself as a Master Being of Love and reflect this Love within every cell of my body.”

Wonderful. We are now going to move into an implant and entity clearing session. I am going to start by taking you through a protection invocation that you can repeat to yourself a few times each day should you so wish. I will then take you through this session in the first person so you can both participate as well as understand how to do this clearing work.

Now state to yourself: I call upon the Legions of Light from On High and my own Guardian Angel for the protection and blessing of God and the Angels. I ask to be surrounded in a beautiful White Light and the Violet Flame of protection so I may stand steadfast in the Light letting go of my doubts and fears as a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love. Good.

Before you go to bed at night, you can also visualize a white sheet moving through your property, and tie it in a bundle above the property. Then bring in a Violet Flame and the White Light of the Christed One, and also call upon the Archangels of the four directions, Archangel Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael to surround the house. And if you like, you can also visualize a vortex of Light above your property brought in by the Beings of Light you personally acknowledge.

Good. Let’s get started.

I ask for the removal of any implants, or other holographic devices that may have been placed in my body, energy field or hologram by any dark or unethical beings. I also ask for assistance from Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light in the removal of these implants or any other holographic devices.

Now visualize a clear screen, like a movie screen, with an image of yourself. Now throw an ultra violet color at this screen and ask it to stick to any implants and related holographic images. These implants are usually wiry boxes or sometimes they look like little radio gadgets or computer chipboards. They can look like anything but they are usually electronic gadgets. The implants will either be found in your hologram, energy field or living tissue. You are first going to deal with those implants that might be found in your hologram and/or energy field. As you see this clear screen, this clear screen that is perhaps dotted with ultra violet areas, you now want to examine those areas.  Your hands or etheric hands are moving across this screen and if you are not able to see these images, just trust and have a knowing of what you are doing. If there are any negative implants, you now see these implants, one at a time.

When you have a clear image of what the implant looks like, you start to throw purple holographic images at this implant in order to erase it. You now see it clear. You now ask to see any back up devices and you clear these too.

You continue to look within the hologram and/or energy field and as you find any other implants, you throw purple holographic images at these implants and see them clear. Most implants will be found around the neck, the back, the third eye, head and crown chakra area. Continue to throw purple holographic images at any implants that you might find, erasing them completely from your hologram and/or energy field. Good.

Now look for another type of implant, implants that are embedded within your living tissue. These implants are usually in the head area or embedded within the chakras although they can be found anywhere.

Continue looking at your screen as you now throw ultra-violet and ask to see any implants that may be embedded in the living tissue. When you see or sense a particular implant, you want to erase it. However, as it is part of your living tissue, you cannot erase it through holographic images. What you need to do is this: visualize the White Light of the Christ forming around this implant embedded in the living tissue. Archangel Michael now comes forward and with his Sword of Holy Truth, he gently removes this implant, while it remains within the White Light of the Christed One. You now ask Archangel Michael to move this implant to where it belongs. Slowly and gently this implant is sent to where it belongs surrounded in the White Light of the Christed One.

You now ask to be shown any back up devices that might exist within your living tissue. If you are shown any further implants, you again surround this implant in the White Light of the Christed One. Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light will now assist you in removing this implant and moving it to where it belongs. Good.


You now want to look within your energy field to see if they have any parasites such as lizards, snakes, or related parasitic entities that are living off your Life force. These parasites are mostly holographic projections and through the implants have been able to create a frenzy of low level frequencies within the energy field.

You again throw ultraviolet at this screen and ask the Core Group to assist you to look for any of these low level parasites. If you see any of these parasites, you throw a purple holographic image at each parasite and watch your screen clearing. These are just holographic projections and can no longer affect you. However, they may have laid their eggs and these can have a negative effect on you in the past, present or future, so you need to place a timeline on your screen and ask it to represent the past, present and future of all erased parasites and their eggs so you can erase these.

Now place a timeline on your screen and ask it to represent the past, present and future of all erased parasites and their eggs. You again throw purple at this screen to clear this timeline and all parasites and their eggs.

And now, you ask the Christed One to gently shine his White Light onto all those areas that have been worked on, to fill any holes within the hologram, energy field and/or body that have been created through this clearing work. Good. (Wait one minute).


I now ask for the removal of any lower astral entities.

I call upon the Legions of Michael and the appropriate Angels to bring in a tunnel of Light through which any lower astral entity that may be around can enter and be taken to where it next needs to go.

I cancel any contract that I may have made with any lower astral entity, for all time, space, dimensions and alternate realities, to use my body, energy field or hologram in any way, and now command any lower astral entity to move into this tunnel and to be taken to where it next needs to go.

By divine decree, under the Law of Grace and Love and in accordance with Divine Will, I now completely rescind any and all vows, contracts and agreements, that I or anyone else in this body has ever made, or that any of my soul extensions have made, or anyone in my genetic lineage in this or any other lifetimes, across space, time and dimension that affect me negatively at this time. I release any and all energies, entities, attachments, mechanisms, structures, implants, programs, codes, beliefs, thought-forms, curses, judgments, perceptions or pictures of reality that have supported or maintained these vows, agreements, or contracts and that I now longer need to experience in this Now.

Good. Just come back into your sacred space, grounding into the crystal heart of Mother  Earth.
