New Earth Angelic Templates

The New Earth Angelic Templates

A series of twelve beautiful invocations and affirmations Overlighted by the Archangels.

These Templates are igniting and activating for us at this time as we deepen into the New Earth timelines of Divine Love, create new blueprints, accelerate into our Soul’s Forward Evolution and experience Soul embodiment as we walk the path of Love.

Overlighted by the Archangels and their Legions of Light, we experience the Templates of Health and Wellness, Forgiveness and Love, Gratitude and Appreciation, Consciousness and Intuition, Joy & Happiness, Insight and Compassion, Abundance and Manifestation, Power & Strength, Divine Love, Peace & Calm, Purpose & Passion and Magnificence & Worthiness.

All transmissions are done in the form of invocations, allowing us a deepening experience of the Angelic Templates and related Archangels. You can play these invocations aloud, or put it on silent and play through the night and still receive the benefits to these light encoded frequency transmissions.

This package also includes a lovely 157 page eBook with the written invocations and how to work with the New Earth Angelic Templates.

Item #1~The Angelic Template of Divine Love

Mp3 with background music 33 min 39 sec

In this beautiful Angelic Invocation of Divine Love, we are Overlighted by Archangel Chamuel, and offered an opportunity to release and heal the wounds of perceived separation with open  hearts, whilst shifting any karmic relationships with partners, ex-partners, mother, fathers and children in particular. Additionally Diamond Light codes ignite within the body, bringing online the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Upgrades and taking us deeper into our loving hearts as Flames of Divinity walking this Path of Love.


Item #2~ The Angelic Template of Health & Wellness

Mp3 with background music 54 min 09 sec

In this invocation of the Angelic Template of Healing & Wellness, we are Overlighted by Archangel Raphael as well as the Galactic Healing Teams as we explore the Emotional Energy Centers and clear the remnants of old false beliefs and judgments, dis-comforts and dis-ease, while embracing the full range of our emotions.

In the embrace of our full range of emotions, we accept, appreciate and celebrate all that we are as aspects of God’s creation of Divine Love. We understand how each perceived challenge is an initiation of Light, taking us ever deeper into our blossoming, our magnificence and our Light whilst clearing the karmic timelines to know ourselves as Love.


Item #3 ~ The Angelic Template of Intuition and Consciousness

Mp3 with background music 39 min 12 sec

In this transmission, we are invited into the Temple of Intuition and Wisdom Overlighted by Archangel Uriel. Within this beautiful Temple of Light, we merge with our Divine Feminine Spirits as we come into the knowing of the intuitive wisdom that we have and hold as we walk this path of Divine Love. This intuitive wisdom and deepening innocence, is expressed in listening to the universe whilst having the understanding of why things are as they are, and how to move forward lovingly and responsibly, no matter how uncomfortable the experience may be.

As the Angelic Template of Intuition and Consciousness activates within our loving hearts, we deepen into trusting our own inner voice as well as our dreams. We slow down as we invite the stillness within to amplify through our Divinity, through the Presence of the Divine.  Through our Master eyes, we no longer question the universe, we no longer seek validation from others. All is within as we accept and embrace All That Is. Additionally, we experience a pineal gland activation enhancing our intuition and understanding.


Item #4 ~ The Angelic Template of Power and Strength

Mp3 with background music 33 min 11 sec

We enter into the Temple of Power to receive the Angelic Template of Power and Strength Overlighted by Archangel Michael. Within this Temple, we are offered an opportunity to release issues of abuse and misuse of power. We step into sovereignty and freedom and the acknowledgment that we no longer need to attempt to please others as we release old vows and contracts.

We receive our Diamond Sword of Holy Truth, Crystalline Shield of Light and Golden Helmet. As the fearless warriors of Light, we merge with our Divine Masculine Spirits and journey into releasing old karmic cords, healing relationships that have wounded us, understanding our pre-birth agreements, and viewing the Akashic Records; so that these timelines too may dissolve into higher trajectories of increased consciousness and Light.

Additionally we activate the hypothalamus, this tiny structure of the brain responsible for our flight, fight or freeze response as we find new ways of conscious communication in all our relationships.


Item #5 ~ The Angelic Template of Forgiveness & Love

Mp3 with background music 42 min 11 sec

As the Angelic Template of Forgiveness & Love ignites within our loving heart Overlighted by Archangel Zadkiel, we release unresolved issues, false beliefs and judgments with greater levels of insight and compassion as we recalibrate the central nervous system and sensory system as well as experience a rebalancing of the pineal, hypothalamus, thalamus and pituitary glands.

We further release the vestiges of the old human programming of lack of and victim and persecutor consciousness and with it, we deepen into the knowing that the changes we wish to create within our own lives and upon this sacred earth are already here, NEW EARTH IS HERE, being tangibly experienced as we Love all that arises and deepen into our magnificence and Light.


Item #6 ~ The Angelic Template of Abundance & Manifestation

Mp3 with background music 20 min 44 sec

Through the Angelic Template of Abundance & Manifestation, we draw upon the New Earth Blueprints to create “new” levels of manifestation and abundance through our heart’s dreaming and joy Overlighted by Archangels Uriel and Chamuel. It is truly a time when projects that have been put on hold can now unfold and Divine Inspiration guides us ever deeper into the joy and delight and abundance of 5D living.

We bring into manifestation that which was previously unmanifest and with this, experience the Sun Codes of Unity by returning Home, into the Higher Heart and Higher Mind, where all is Love and all is One. Through Service in Love, we activate the Solar Crystalline Unity codes through the Unity Grid of Divine Love for all awakened Souls choosing the path of Divine Love.


Item #7 ~ The Angelic Template of Insight and Compassion

Mp3 with background music 48 min 42 sec

Archangel Uriel comes forward, wrapping us in his Golden Flame of Light and Ruby Red and Golden Angel Wings of Love as we experience the Angelic New Earth Template of Insight & Compassion. We connect to the Golden Dragons and experiencing the Golden Dragon Breathing as we release blame and judgment, meet every challenge with compassion, understanding and acceptance, rebalance our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits and activate the thymus gland.


Item #8 ~ The Angelic Template of Grace and Appreciation

Mp3 with background music 39 min 23 sec

In this beautiful Angelic New Earth Template of Grace and Appreciation, we are Overlighted by Archangels Jophiel and Uriel. Wrapped in a Golden-Yellow Flame we open the doorway of our heart to the blessings and gifts of the universe, magnetizing and manifesting all that we need in any given Now moment. We enter into greater moments of “timelessness” as we access our innocent, magical child and merge with our Beloved I Am Presence.


Item #9 ~ The Angelic Template of Peace and Calm

Mp3 with background music 44 min 41 sec

In this beautiful Angelic New Earth Template of Peace and Calm, we are Overlighted by Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Love and Peace and and Archangel Gabriel, the Angel of Conscious Communication. We are shown the gifts of Love and Peace that we deepen into, when we embrace and love all that arises whilst entering the silence of the loving heart. Additionally we deepen into the Rainbow Light Body, in which we are the conduits of God’s Divine Love, dreaming into creation the service roles most supportive to our Light work. At this Light Body level, we merge with our Higher Selves, and remain within the loving compassionate heart as we continue to clear old programs at a cellular level.


Item #10 ~ The Angelic Template of Joy and Happiness

Mp3 with background music 33 min 07 sec

In this invocation, Archangel Jophiel, the Angel of Joy steps forward, wrapping us in her beautiful Flame of Light as we deepen into our creative gifts with joy and delight, whilst merging with our multidimensional Selves/Higher Selves through the Christed Timelines of Light.

Additionally, we experience aspects of the Diamond Plasma Crystalline Light Body, which takes us into the merging and integration of our Beloved I Am Presence, where all is One, and all is Light. New Earth is a constant reality and all that we need, we instantly manifest as the Light of God/Goddess That We Are.


Item #11 ~ The Angelic Template of Passion and Purpose

Mp3 with background music 39 min 34 sec

 In this invocation, the Trinity Lords of Light step forward, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek and create a Shield of Light around the body and energy field.  Archangel Jophiel then anchors his Golden Yellow Flame of Joy and Purpose and Passion within our loving hearts as we deepen into the blessings and gifts of the universe. We experience a pineal gland activation and further activate the Light Body Merkaba Field to experience the blueprints of the New Earth in co-creation, unity and community.

Item #12 ~ The Angelic Template of Magnificence and Worthiness

Mp3 with background music 37 min 20 sec

In the Angelic Template of Magnificence and Worthiness, Archangel Chamuel wraps us in his Angel Wings of Love, letting us know how worthy we are in creating a life of goodness, peace and Love. The sacred geometry of the icosahedron activates within our loving hearts as we embrace each challenge we experience as an Initiation of Light whilst honoring all that arises.

Archangel Gabriel then steps forward, taking us deeper into our Soul Light, our innocence and purity through a series of beautiful invocations and affirmations.

We further merge with our multidimensional Selves and Higher Selves as we are taken into the Temple of Initiation, ready to step into the next level of our Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light, as well as release old energies of lesser than and better than consciousness.

Item #13 – The New Earth Angelic Templates eBook

157 pages (PDF)

This beautiful eBook takes us through the written invocations and how we use the New Earth Angelic Templates for ourselves and others.