The Trinity Lords Light Programs and Star Attunements of Cosmic Convergence

The Trinity Lords Light Programs and Star Attunements of Cosmic Convergence



As we collectively experience the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution and the New Earth Templates, we are invited to experience the Trinity Lords Light Programs, attunements of Cosmic Convergence through particular Star Gate activations and Metatronic Consciousness.

As part of the Universal Council of Twelve, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and Lord Michael implement programs of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. This information is then distributed to the outer worlds of Light through Light shells of photons and anti-photons, sub-units of the super-electron.  This Light Continuum within the Universal field allows for the interconnectivity of all levels of Cosmic Consciousness through the oscillation of Cosmic rays in all directions within the various interdimensional wormholes. These encodings of Light are matched energetically to the different harmonic octaves of Star Systems and Galaxies within this quadrant of the Galaxy and sent through the appropriate frequency wormholes of Divine Love as potentially manifest thought forms.

In this transmission we are invited into the Temple of Service to experience the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, through the Overlighting of the Trinity Lords of Light, various Star Councils, and the appropriate frequency wormholes of Divine Love, Stargates of the Heart. This takes us deeper into the creative transmissions of the super-electron and the Cosmic Convergence of zero point, the ever-present Continuum as these multidimensional humans in Service in Love. These levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness assist us in deeper levels of magnetization and manifestation in our Service work in joy, in Love, in abundance and in trust and surrender as we enter into the full flow of each Now moment. Additionally, through the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness we attune to the harmonic octaves of each dimension experienced in the creation of our I Am Avatar Bodies of Lights, and the dynamic influence of all Light frequencies from On High.

Activating the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, we enter into the Temple of Truth. Surrounded by the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek, we are welcomed and greeted by many Illumined Beings of Light and the Star Councils most familiar to starseeds and light workers on this sacred earth. As these illumined Beings of Light come forward, they anchor and activate the Stargates of the Heart in particular geometric formations and frequencies of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, which in turn actualizes as programs of Light through our Trinity Lords Shield of Light.

As we align to the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, we connect through a fourth dimensional portal to Helios and Vesta, who open the Stargate of the Sun within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Solar Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the cube. We align to the codes of Manifestation and Abundance as these programs of Light are experienced through the sacral chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint within the perineum center and the Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through a Metatron Activated Chamber of Light. Reading the energy harmonics of our original Divine eight-cell blueprint relative to the Multi-Universal blueprint, this Chamber of Light will spin the electron-positron pairs within our body at an increased frequency of Light bringing the codes of Manifestation and Abundance online. As Divine energy transmissions powered through the electron pour into our physical energy body, this brings with it integrated concepts that we may potentially manifest on our physical Earth plane as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, while clearing any blockages we may have at this time. This Chamber of Light will further stabilize our Light Body to the full harmonic frequencies of the fourth/fifth dimensional octaves of Unity Consciousness.

We then align to the Pleiades through a fifth dimensional portal. As the Pleiadian Star Council come forward, they anchor and activate the Stargate of the Pleiades within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Interstellar Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the octahedron. We align to the codes of Joy and Purpose as these programs of Light are experienced through the solar plexus chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.

We then align to Sirius through a sixth dimensional portal. As the Sirian Star Council come forward, they activate the Stargate of the Sirius, the Vortex of the Goddess within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Galactic Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the tetrahedron. We align to the codes of Trust and Courage as these programs of Light are experienced through the heart chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.

We then align to Andromeda through a seventh dimensional portal. As the Andromedan Star Council come forward, they anchor and activate the Stargate of Andromeda within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Intergalactic Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the icosahedron. We align to the codes of Authenticity and Truth as these expansion programs of Light are experienced through the throat chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.

We then align to Orion and the Order of Melchizedek through an eighth dimensional portal. As the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light come forward, they anchor and activate the Stargate of Orion within our Christed Heart’s and attune us to Universal Christ Consciousness though the geometry of the dodecahedron. We align to the codes of Divine Inspiration and Devotion as these programs of Light are experienced through the third eye chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.

Lastly, we align to a ninth dimensional portal through Alpha Omega, taking us into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. The Trinity Lords of Light then come forward, opening the Stargate of Alpha Omega, though the geometry of the Flower of Life. We align to the codes of Innocence, Unity and Loving Kindness as these programs of Light are experienced through the crown chakra, Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and Earth Star Chakra. From here, we actualize these programs of Light within our Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light through our Metatron Activated Chamber of Light.

We end this transmission by activating the Rings of Self Mastery through the Soul Star Chakra, and Earth Star Chakra, as we walk the path of Divine Love; inspired, passionately embracing our full magnificence and Light, aligned to the Divine and Mother Earth and deeply connected to all Life through Service in Love. And so it is.