Tenth Ray of Divinity – Pleiades

Tenth Ray of Divinity – Pleiades



In this guided visualization, you will journey in your Divine Body of Light to the etheric of the Pleiades constellation, which holds the collective energy of the tenth ray of Divinity. Guided by your Pleiadian Higher Self of the Light, who embodies these qualities in their highest attributes, you will meet and journey with the archetypes related to this ray to find the appropriate symbols, and furthermore, embody the associated magical images. Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat in the etheric of the Pleiades constellation, where you will merge with the archetypes related to this ray as well as your Pleiadian Higher Self of the Light, and furthermore actualize these ray qualities. Surrounded by the Co-Creative Council of Twelve in the etheric of the Pleiades, and the Chohan Allah Gobi, the Master to this ray, you will integrate these tenth ray qualities, and in so doing, actualize the tenth ray of Divinity within your body, energy field and hologram. Any remaining bands of forgetfulness will be lifted as you integrate your I AM presence and experience the immortal aspect of your nature.