A Sacred SPACE AND NEW Earth Community
Join New Earth Guide Anrita Melchizedek in our monthly membership as we come together as One Heart to amplify our Light and deepen into New Earth.
New Earth is our Quantum Playground of Evolving Consciousness as we unite, share, evolve, inspire, activate, integrate and expand our consciousness in all new ways as pure Source Light.
As a community, we focus on activating, anchoring, integrating, embodying and building New Earth realities as Co-Creators of NEW EARTH.
Through our Loving Hearts, we come together to support each other as we deepen into Soul embodiment and activate the Light codes, templates, sacred geometries, sound and color frequencies that we hold within our own DNA in full trust and surrender to our Universe.
We are a community willing to make the changes within our lives and to do the work to expand the Consciousness of ALL as we anchor and experience Heaven on Earth.
Voices of the Light Tribe Membership provides tools, guidance, and support as you walk this Path of Divine Love, this New Earth as awakened Souls through monthly transmissions, sharings, remote Soul Healing sessions, and Question and Answer sessions with Anrita Melchizedek.
It is a place where we honor each other and deepen into our own inner sacred connection to our Universe and Gaia in respect and appreciation for all.
Through the Voices of the Light Tribe Membership, Anrita offers light encoded transmissions, and New Earth Quantum Healing Activations, along with a practical voice of support and experiential understandings of New Earth, experienced with her own ascension journey.
Live on Zoom, usually around 10am PT, mid month on a Saturday.
These transmissions are based on monthly themes. These may include the Overlighting of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Galactic Councils, Christed ET’s, and other Illumined Beings. Sessions may be related to DNA and Light Body Activations, Purification, Detoxification, Physical Ascension/Soul Embodiment, Rays and Initiation, Zero Point, Service Roles and so much more.
Monthly ONLINE Q &A Plus Energetic Update with Anrita Melchizedek
In this Online Meet-Up, Anrita talks about the current planetary energies, ray frequencies and all other energies affecting us in each Now moment. She provides a small Light encoded transmission, and following this, invites you to ask your questions.
Bonus Items
Join us and receive the previous month’s transmissions, sessions and bonus items, including Anrita’s main 90-Minute masterclass.
Who is this community for?
For the Light Tribe focused on elevating their consciousness as New Earthers, we provide a safe and sacred space to be your authentic self, and share your beautiful Soul Light.
As awakened and awakening Souls we focus on creating, building, accomplishing and LIVING NEW EARTH. As we do our inner work, and show up, we accelerator into the next level of our Soul’s Blossoming, Magnificence and Light by BEING OUR SOUL LIGHT.
And with this, we connect with all AWAKENING HEARTS Being and Doing THROUGH THE ONE HEART OF ALL THAT IS.
Benefits of the Voices of the Light Tribe Monthly Membership includes:
⭐️Light Encoded Transmissions and Meditations
⭐️Healing Transmissions
⭐️Galactic Activations
⭐️Q&A Session
⭐️A community platform
⭐️Bonus items and so much more!
About Anrita Melchizedek
New Earth Guide, Galactic Ambassador, Priestess, Healer, Energy transmitter, Intuitive Apothecarist, Starseed, Light Weaver, Life Coach, Designer, Visionary, Wayshower, Catalyst, Empath, Host, Soul Reader and Mother.
As an Ascension Guide, Anrita works with the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High, the Galactic Councils and New Earth Crystalline Templates. She draws upon the Light codes of Highest Potentiality within the New Earth Templates in the form of sacred geometry, sound, color, and the like, and transmits and shares these frequency codes through her Light work. Her primary gift is assisting the Light Tribe to weave their codes of potentiality and Soul expansion into their greatest expression of Service in Love through reading the collective blueprints of the I Am Avatar Consciousness, the Beloved I Am Presence of all awakened Souls.
Anrita has almost 30 years of full-time service within the Spiritual arena. She created hundreds of ascension programs, masterclasses and eBooks over the years, presented numerous telewebinars, workshops and courses, traveled extensively and has been both a summit host as well as presenter on many popular spiritual shows.
She further has a passion for creating natural household and healing products, notably light encoded essential oils, sprays and essences.
Her deepest desire is to assist all awakening and awakened Souls to share their amazing gifts with a wider audience, and to deepen into the next level of their Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light.
Her greatest joy is to be of service to the Light Tribe.
Thank you so much Anrita!! It is a blessing to be in sacred space with you, I am listening to you now!! Just wanted to say thanks and Much LOVE to you sister!! You are a bright shining light and I am so blessed to have come in contact with you and get to experience your energy!! Amazing!!
Dear Anrita
I really appreciate the light you bring to the world and the way you share your light. Your work really resonates with me and the energy I feel when I listen to your transmissions is very beautiful and transformational. Thank you for making it affordable to participate in the webinars.
Many blessings and much light to you.
Good Afternoon Anrita,
Words cannot express the gratitude that is engulfing this body. All the positive energies that continuously interact with this body are indebted to all the energies of Life, Love and the Light that encourage you to be the selfless Being you are.
More and more tons of continuous BLESSINGS of Life, Love and the Light!!!
Thank you for your wonderful perspectives; the clear statement of permission to share, which is important and the WONDERFUL gifts and possibilities you are bringing forth and sharing so generous. And so, these high frequency Angelic gifts will surely find those people that will appreciate it very much.
I find that I am a lucky women to know you and to participate in your teleseminars. It helps me a lot to become a more beautiful person. All my Gratitude.
Dearest Anrita,
The telewebinar was superb yesterday. I AM so grateful to you for bringing it in in such a coherent manner. Because the Light Frequencies are coming in now with so much power, I feel the need to share this with others.
Meanwhile feel my Waves of Gratitude to You
Namaste Anrita,
This initiation was astoundingly beautiful and impactful! I feel so honored to arrive at this sacred place, to come full circle, after such a long journey of invaluable life lessons and soul work. The love flowing in my heart for me, you, and others is palpable.
Thank you so much for all your courage and dedication, you are so uplifting and inspiring!
Love and blessings
Hi Anrita-
Your work has made such a huge difference on my journey over the past year. I don’t think I’ve cried as much with anyone else’s work — deep tears of revelations, releasing of layers that carry much for humanity well beyond any particular lifetimes, remembrances of Who and What I truly Am… way way way beyond words. Goodness, though there are times, like now, where it just all seems so beyond tiring I just want to be done, somehow I feel it IS the homestretch. Your Presence and being able to attend once a month is one of the few things that has helped me keep going! So Grateful for that.
Infinite Blessings
Dear Anrita,
Thank you so much for this wonderful powerful telewebinar. I have been following you for some 2 years now. Your teaching is always such a delicious big stretch of consciousness for me widening the horizons of my current field of dreams and comprehension of the Magic of the Universe and beyond… From the very depth of my heart, THANK YOU!
I am in fact a dedicated student of another dispensation which represents the very core of my spiritual path (this is where I focus 95% of my energy and time dedicated to spirituality) and allow me to be firmly grounded in my NOW and NEAR FUTURE NOW moment. Your teaching opens the way for me to leap into my FAR FUTURE NOW moment. So, I have been experiencing more and more as time passes what I could describe as a silent dynamic synergy between your dispensation and the one I am mostly dedicated too… This realization has been especially strong and obvious upon the discovery of your last telewebinar.
I wish you a wonderful day filled full to overflowing with Sacred Fire Love, Joy and Victory!

- Free Gifts from US to YOU
- Plus
- Free Monthly Invocation/Transmission or You Tube Video
- Plus
- Public Weekly Remote Soul Healing Sessions LINK-UP
- Plus
- Community Forum

- Free Gifts from US to YOU
- One Live Community Session
- One Masterclass, 90-120 minutes each month
- Private Weekly Remote Soul Healing Sessions LINK-UP
- Plus
- Community Forum
Frequently Asked
Simply by showing up and being the beautiful Soul that you are, you amplify the frequency of our gatherings. However, if you are called to share more, with your teachings, volunteering or contributing in other ways, we are currently setting up a Community Portal for you to share your teachings, ask questions or answer the questions of others. Stay tuned for more details.
You sign up to our Voices of the Light Tribe aMember Portal and receive some awesome free gifts from us, meditations, transmissions, and the like.
For the Voices of the Light Tribe Monthly Membership you will be emailed an online link details prior to each Masterclass. Recordings and videos will be available in your online membership portal following each Masterclass and Live event.
What exactly do i receive?
For the Voices of the Light Tribe Free Membership Subscription, you receive a beautiful 90-Minute Light encoded transmission monthly plus a Community Event and transmission with Anrita. Following this, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have. Each session is usually around ninety minutes to two hours, all recorded. Additionally, we experience a remote Soul Healing Session for 33-Minute each week, in which Anrita personally attunes you as we expand our collective frequency as One Heart and One Love.
For the Voices of the Light Tribe Free Membership, you will receive a free Mp3 or recording, usually monthly plus the ability to join the weekly Soul Healing Sessions, although in this instance, Anrita does not personally attune you.
However, for both memberships, there is a beautiful invocation that you can further listen too, to connect as One Heart.