Return to Original Innocence

Return to Original Innocence
It gives me great pleasure to present Return to Original Innocence, a series of twelve guided visualizations and related introductions, bringing together the encodings of Light from our twelve Higher Selves through the energy of different planets and stars, and tying them in with the twelve earthly rays and the six Cosmic Rays, Overlighted by the appropriate Planetary and Spiritual Hierarchy. These teachings, working with the Celestial Beings from On High and our twelve Higher Selves of the Light, bring together a deeper understanding of the rays, archetypes and magical images associated with the rays. Further to this, as we merge with each one of our twelve Higher Selves of the Light, we take on the appropriate key codes, and blueprint signatures of these magnificent Beings, and through this, Return to Original Innocence through the merging of our Beloved I Am Presence.