New Earth Activations

Plasma Light Rays DNA Activation

New Earth Unity Codes

120-Minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts,
As we deepen into New Earth and the Sacred Alchemical Marriage of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits – Christos-Sophia energy, birthing our magical innocence and purity, our Christed Light, there are many themes of perceived separation and distortions that are being cleared and transcended from within, notably our perceived separation from one another. To fine tune our frequency, elevate our consciousness and shift dimensionally, we bring our awareness, as the Witnessing Prescence of our Beloved I Am, to dissolving the separation of Heaven and Earth, our conscious and unconscious aspects, higher selves and lower selves, galactic and human aspects, masculine and feminine spirits, old earth and new earth, and so on, shifting from a linear perspective into a Quantum reality.
These distortions, currently being played out on the 3D world stage as an “outer battle”, offering us an unprecedented opportunity to dissolve and transcend our own judgments, addictions, lesser than and better than consciousness, as well as victim/persecutor consciousness as we go deep, deep within.
With this, we are offered an opportunity to expand the three-fold flame of Power, Love and Wisdom within to experience the luminosity of all 12 beautiful plasma light rays that spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and Great Central Sun, then into the Central Sun and Sun , basking all life and planets within this Solar System within these Rays of Creation. These rays expand exponentially through and from Venus and Shamballa and are then directed onto this sacred earth and into the crystalline grids and leylines, and from here, into our sacred hearts as New Earth Unity Codes.
To activate the Light Body/Soul DNA through these Rays of Creation, or Plasma Light Rays, we merge both the lower and higher ray qualities into Divine Neutrality, Zero Point, as we elevate our Christed Consciousness through the stillness of our loving hearts and the wisdom of our higher minds, with particular qualities, colors, and sonic vibrations.

As the ray qualities and colors are programmed and activated from within, they expand around the body as Flames of Purification and Initiation and increased levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Additionally, we further connect into the Quantum Field and the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose and the Brotherhood of the Light, imbuing the Plasma Light energy of the Rays of Creation with the frequencies of the Sun and Moon and Quantum Particles.
As we then connect through our Loving Hearts into Gaia and the Unity Grid as the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light, we utilize these Plasma Light Rays to surround Mother Earth and all her Life in these sacred New Earth Unity Codes.
These 12 Plasma Light Rays are:
The first ray of Will and Power
The second Ray of Divine Intelligence
The third ray of Love-Wisdom
The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict
The fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge
The sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism
The seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic and Patterns of Perfection
The eighth ray of Transmutation
The ninth ray of Highest Potentials
The tenth ray of Divinity
The eleventh ray of Illumination and Love
The twelve ray of One Unity Consciousness
Join us beloved hearts, as we ignite and activate and program the Plasma Light Rays from within through our own experiences and Cosmic Christed Consciousness as the I Am Avatar Race, with an experiential understanding of how the rays are being expressed within our daily lives; and as more Light activates within, we release separation and enter into the New Earth, as One Heart and One Love.

With rich invocations and affirmations, as the Beloved I Am Presence of all awakened and awakening Souls, we expand these Rays as Flames of Light through the Crystalline Grid to every man, woman and child upon this sacred earth, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.

Now more than ever, we come together as Brothers and Sisters of the Light, as we expand into the next Quantum level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution, with Peace and Love and Compassion, Empowerment and Wisdom, to dissolve the pain, duality, separation, and fear from within and with “out”, as One Heart and One Love.
And so it is and so it shall be.


New Earth Divine Rebirthing

222 Crystalline Light Codes and Soular Expansion

90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

As the New Earth Avatars, the next stage of our collective Divine Rebirthing of Cosmic Christ Consciousness is upon us, as we head into 2022, and ignite the 222 Crystalline Light codes of Soular Expansion.

The 222 Crystalline Light Codes take us into Solar Christ Consciousness and collectively into the fifth dimension and beyond. These Light codes, activating from within our bodies, our Temples of Light, bring with it New Beginnings, Co-operation, Harmony, Balance, Healing, Manifestation, and the Spirit of CommUnity and Co-operation. With these beautiful New Beginnings, we transform and transcend, elevate and re-align, as we deepen into New Earth through our Loving Hearts with Soul and Star Family, and the amplified frequencies of Caring, Sharing, Respect, Unity and Love.

It is a “We” Year to SHINE OUR SOUL LIGHT collectively, as the I Am Avatar Race. As the Gatekeepers, Grid Keepers, Flames of Divinity, and vibrating Portals of Divine Love, opening the Stargates and Portals from within and expanding the Light of God upon this sacred earth.

The 222 Crystalline Light Codes further brings an expansion of our Light work, our Divine Life Purpose and Soul Mission, and particularly our Galactic Mission Codes, as we take on new skills, work with new/old friends and family and challenge ourselves to our Highest Potential.

Additionally, we are taken deeper into the remembrance of our Initiations of Light, amplified through the numerology of the number 6, and the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, the six-pointed star, through our Golden Hearts. This further allows for the creation of our Light Body/Merkabas, our Ascension Vehicles into New Earth as we raise our vibration and lift our consciousness into this dimensional field of Zero Point, Being in the eternal Now moment.

As we sustain and hold our consciousness at fifth dimensional frequencies and beyond, the Soular Expansion of Crystalline Consciousness and Photonic Light/Soul Light assists us in our New Earth Rebirthing.

For the last several months we have been in a birthing canal of the Divine Mother, ready for our rebirth in this month of January. This New Earth Rebirthing process is to awaken us to the remembrance of our Soul Light within, and all that we are, as we return to our Original Innocence, our Purity and Innocence.

This is also the second wave of Souls ascending into New Earth. As the physical body ascends and the Soul descends, it is no longer out there, but within, that we bring our focus. To our Universe; our Soul Light, our physical bodies and Gaia.

For many, it has been extremely challenging to release the dense carbon-based frequencies, judgments, programming’s, addictions and false beliefs and we have seen this reflected in the outer world of 3D realities. Furthermore, as the kundalini energy of Gaia activates to support this next wave, and with this, as our own kundalini activates, our unconscious programs have been coming up to be dissolved as we open our heart chakras to the knowing that we are Love, that All is Love. For until we surrender and trust our Soul, all is most uncomfortable. And then, as we deepen into Self Love and Self Nurturing, feeling and sensing the Divine Mother energy Overlighting us, New Beginnings present.

We are ready now for the creation of our Physical Light Bodies and to emerge on New Earth as One Heart and One Love.

We are invited into the Ancient Memories within holding the Golden Ages of Atlantis, and to experience the Crystal Temple of the Sun and Moon. To experience the Soular and Moon Gamma Ray frequencies as we transcend our human karma, victim and persecutor consciousness and release within us the “Fall from Grace”, and the distorted masculine energy, anger, blame, judgment and shame.

As we connect to the Inner Earth Sun, the Golden Sun within our Hearts, the Sun, the Galactic Central Sun and Great Central Sun, and the energy of the Moon (New Moon on January 2nd), we draw to us the 222 Crystalline Light Codes to activate and actualize the physical/energetic upgrades of our I Am Avatar Body of Light, our Adam Kadmon Body of Light.

We further rebalance our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits to rebirth the magical innocent child, our Soul Light, our Purity and Innocence in the diamond and rainbow hues of the Sun and our radiant energy and Soul Light.

We activate our kundalini energy, create our Merkaba vehicles of Light, open a portal of Light through the Pineal Gland and shift in consciousness into New Earth, allowing the Light Body DNA to program the Crystalline Light codes within for our physical ascension process.

Additionally, we take on new roles in remembrance of being the Priests and Priestesses in the Golden Age Timelines of Atlantis, as well as merge with our Galactic Selves to deepen into our sacred missions upon New Earth.

And so it is, and so it shall be.


Two recordings, with and without background music



Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart


Two recordings, with and without background music

90 Minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

In this beautiful Masterclass, we experience the restoration, rejuvenation and nurturing of our physical/energy bodies with very deep releasing of all that no longer works for us. As we surrender to the embrace of the Divine Mother, we release the vestiges of sadness, loss, betrayal and discomfort for ourselves and all of humanity as we walk the path of Love. And now, in this renewed integration of multi-dimensional convergence and greater levels of Self-appreciation and Self-Love, we experience the physical/energetic upgrades of our I Am Avatar Body of Light through our cells, central nervous system, sensory system and the left and right hemispheres of the brain in particular. This brings with it greater levels of vitality, clarity, empowerment, and focus, as well as increased sensitivity that activates into new levels of communication with all bands of consciousness. In particular, we are able to receive the Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart through our connection to all bands of consciousness upon this sacred earth as we link in telepathically, in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, and in respect and reverence as these open hearts in this Golden Age of Light.

We are invited into the Temple of Transfiguration to experience a deepening sense of our planetary Light work as One Heart and One Unified Field of Light. Connecting to the Inner Earth Sun, the Golden Sun within our Hearts, the Sun, the Galactic Central Sun and Great Central Sun, and Overlighted by the Divine Mother, we draw to us codes of Solar Christ Consciousness to activate and actualize the physical/energetic upgrades of our I Am Avatar Body of Light, our Adam Kadmon Body of Light.

We then connect as the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light and the Universal Heart through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, as we attune to:

The Elemental Kingdom: The fairies, elves, gnomes and brownies

The Crystal and Mineral Kingdom

The Plant Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom

The Healing Waters of Mother Earth


The Healing Forces of Nature

Ready to receive the Divine Mother Codes of the Universal Heart, we connect with Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence, along with the Overlighting Deva of Healing and the Deva of our Original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and the Beloved I Am Presence of all awakened Souls on this sacred earth. As One Heart, we assist in the anchoring of the energetic codes of the Divine Mother. In particular, we assist in the anchoring and activation of the Divine Mother Codes of:

Strength and Courage








Divine Love

As these beautiful Divine Mother codes stream forth from the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we activate and transmit these energetic elixir frequencies and codes of the Divine Mother into our sacred hearts and into the sacred hearts of all humanity walking the Path of Divine Love.

Lastly, we experience the Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Divine Love Attunement, as we deepen into Self-Love and ignite the Flame of Divine Love within our Christed Hearts to the highest level of unconditional Love and joy we are able to receive in this Now.

We end this transmission with a focus on connecting through the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, linking with the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale pods, the many Legions of Light, Light Workers and star seeded ones and Nature Spirit Intelligence as we activate the collective OMM-Wave resonance of Divine Unconditional Love for ourselves and for all Life upon this sacred earth.

Come join us in this beautiful transmission of attunements, invocations, affirmations, visualizations and frequency activations as we come together as One Heart and One Unified Field of Light.



Activating the New Earth Light Codes and Stargates from Within


90-Minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts,

We invite you to join us in this wonderful light encoded masterclass as we activate the New Earth Energetic Building Blocks, Templates, Light Codes, Grids and Stargates from within and collectively ascend into the next level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness as the I Am Avatar Race.

As the 222 Codes activate for collective ascension in this sacred year of 2022, we pass through the Aquarian Gateway in this month of February. This offers to us an unprecedented opportunity to activate the New Earth Light Codes and Stargates as well as bring online the physical body grids and templates that we embody as New Earthers.

February 2nd and February 20th, 2022, brings online the codes of five consecutive 2 sequences – 22222, amplifying the master number of Solar Christ Consciousness (22) and lifting us collectively into the next level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Soul Embodiment. February 22nd, 2022 brings through six consecutive 2 sequences – 222222, aligning us ever deeper into the Heart of One to activate the New Earth Grids, Codes, Templates and Stargates from within as we hold our Consciousness at these higher frequency bandwidths and with this, program the Light Body DNA.

This is a unique opportunity for us to deepen into physical body purification and the clearing of old timelines no longer needing to be experienced; programs, habits, false beliefs, and judgments through karmic timelines merging into this Now, particularly the Fall of Consciousness (Atlantean) and to transcend the blame and judgment and emerge/shift frequency into New Earth and the higher dimensional merging timelines. These are the Christ Consciousness aspects of our Beloved I Am Presence that expand from deep within and that embody the purity, innocence, and divinity of ourselves and all Life through the Witnessing Presence of our Loving Hearts and the stillness of our Higher Minds.

The timeline in this Now presents the merging of our Divine Feminine Spirit/Divine Mother/Gaia (5-D Consciousness of Be-ing), the embrace and transcendence of the wounded masculine (3-D/4-D Consciousness) through self-love and self-nurturing and the merging and integration of our Divine Masculine Spirit (6-D Consciousness of Doing) as we birth our innocent, magical Christed Child (Soul Light) and next level of Service work in Unity and Community.

To experience this Now moment, we go deep into the old programmings/old earth templates – 3D Matrix and negative ego aspects, to transcend and dissolve the human miscreation’s through a process of surrender and trust. As our body releases this “inner struggle” of pain, trauma and discomfort, this allows for the Lightbody/Soul to fine tune the DNA and raise our vibration (the atomic spin within the cells) and to vibrate out of these old patterns, habits, grids and templates whilst simultaneously creating the New Earth Grids, Templates, Stargates and Light Packets of Information from within.

Essentially, we are experiencing an energetic encoded matrix of light packets of information activating from within the DNA, with an unlimited potential to expand perspectives and consciousness with new codes, geometries, sound and color frequencies to elevate our consciousness and take us into physical body ascension. This operating system weaves together all new energies/frequencies to lift us into various dimensions based upon the physical body consciousness of purity through our Loving Hearts that activate the Light Frequency and Quantum Codes within the 12 Strand DNA.

As our Lightbody Consciousness shifts dimensionally, we create the Stargate of the Loving Heart, which expands the heart and thymus chakras, bringing online the New Earth building blocks and collapsing old karmic timelines no longer needing to be experienced. Additionally, within the physical body, we activate two additional stargates. The Perineum Stargate, which extends into the groin area and into the lower chakras (clearing and transcending the old and all lack of) whilst merging the lower chakras into one unified column of Light. The third stargate created is the Navel Stargate which shifts all relationships into new levels of conscious communication, community and support, and links into the spinal column as the spine itself becomes the operating system of the body.

As the lower chakras start to merge into One Unified Column of Light, the Pineal Gland further activates, producing the sweet nectar (amrita) as a bridge to Cosmic Consciousness and bringing through the remembrance of “ancient memories” – timelines of Golden Ages of Unity and Love, particularly Atlantean and Lemurian timelines of being the High Priests and Priestesses into this Now moment.

As we merge into these timelines, we are further taken into Galactic aspects of ourselves. Whilst many higher dimensional timelines present as well as higher dimensional/Soul aspects of Self relative to our level of Cosmic Conscious Awareness, it is the Sirian Galactic aspects of Self coming forward to take us into the next level of our Galactic Missions; with abundance, manifestation and the Divine Masculine integration of doing, birthed initially through the Divine Feminine aspects of Self.

Each dimension we experience differs, as does the templates and codes of Light that come online. Each dimension a new level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness as we activate the Plasma Light Codes, Rainbow Frequencies, Oscillating Cosmic Rays, Diamond Light Codes and so much more.

Join us in the beautiful Light encoded transmission with Anrita Melchizedek and we go deep into the body, and activate many of the New Earth Light Codes, Templates and Stargates from within and expand our bandwidth for the next level of our Soul’s Blossoming as the New Earth Avatar Race.



The Christed ET’s Energetic Wellness Upgrade for New Earthers


90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Join Anrita Melchizedek for a wonderful Energetic Wellness Upgrade Overlighted by the Christed ET’s as we deepen into the Resurrection, offering to us the opportunity to release density and expand and anchor more Light through the New Earth Templates within as the sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Christed Light We Are.

We are collectively entering into the next passageway of our Soul’s Forward Evolution through the deepening integration of Soul embodiment while dissolving, clearing and purging of old cellular memories, traumas, addictions, false beliefs and judgments, as we merge with and integrate our Beloved I Am Presence and multidimensional Selves, and as we come deeper into the feeling and knowing of our purity and innocence, as the Light of God We Are. As we integrate deepening levels of our Soul/Photonic Light within our physical body and expand and hold our Consciousness within the higher dimensional fields of Light.

With this continual clearing, releasing, purifying, fine tuning, and transcending in awareness and consciousness, as we anchor and embody our Soul Light, this gateway opens to accelerate the transformation of our Light Bodies into expanding into Crystalline Consciousness, and to upgrade our cellular systems to hold the higher dimensional frequencies of Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

Whilst we say to our Universe to “bring it on”, we recognize too that the negative ego will not so easily surrender, and that we require much “down time” of sleep and meditation and being outdoors to expand our Light from within, as we deepen into zero point, the infinite, eternal Now moment through our loving hearts. As we experience these ongoing expansions and contractions and moments of great discomfort energetically and physically, along with many other ascension symptoms to raise our vibration, we are offered the opportunity to experience our ascension journey with increased levels of self-nurturing, self-love and gentleness.

With this, the Christed ET’s come forward, offering to assist us with Energetic Wellness Upgrades in the form of Light Chambers, multidimensional rectangular Light Grids placed around our bodies and energy field. Through these Light Chambers, we are able to flow into the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution with greater levels of grace and ease, trust and surrender, and the knowing that All is Well, no matter how our outward reality is perceived in each Now moment.

In particular, it is the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Arcturians, the Lyrians, the Venusian and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light that connect with us through this passageway, offering to place us within particular Light Chambers personal to our vibrational frequency and the collective vibrational field of the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.

The Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light come forward to bring in a Karmic Clearing and Forgiveness Chamber of Light.

The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light bring in a Purification Rings of Light Chamber and assist in the activation of the Stargate of the Loving Heart.

The Arcturian Emissaries of Light bring in a Crystalline/Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Photonic Light Chamber of Light.

The Venusians bring in an Ancestral and Past Lives Soul Wounds Clearing Chamber of Light.

The Lyrians assist in a Pineal Gland Activation Chamber of Light.

And lastly, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light bring in a Re-Union of Hearts and Light Body Chamber of Light.

Each Chamber of Light with its own energy and frequency will be uniquely experienced through a series of Light encoded activations and beautiful invocations to assist in the programming of the DNA through the Light Body/Soul Light.

We invite you to join us in this sacred heart space of One Love and One Unified Field of Light as together we amplify the Light of God upon this sacred earth. And so it is.

Replay available with and without background music. No transcribe.



Sirian Initiation of Empowerment


90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

 As we expand our frequency and Light, all aligns for us through the 222 Light Codes of Solar Crystalline Consciousness, and into new levels of Divine Service.

As our Beloved I Am Presence, and One with the Beloved I Am Presence of All Awakening and Awakened Souls, we are offered an opportunity to experience a Sirian Initiation of Empowerment, also known as the Initiation of Revelation, through the first ray of Will and Power.

To further understand the facet of this Divine Plan and how we will experience this Gateway, beloved hearts, we bring our focus to the influx of Light experienced through the Resurrection Codes, and the Pink-Orange Flame of Compassion and Love, which ignited and expanded from within our Loving Hearts, to blaze around our bodies and energy fields. With this, as the collective I Am Avatar Consciousness, we upgraded our Light and Love Quotient and expanded in frequency, energy, and vibration into our fifth dimensional Solar Crystalline Light Bodies, where all is expressed with greater levels of Christ Consciousness as pure Divine Love, from the purity and innocence within. This takes us into Zero-Point, beloved hearts, into the eternal Divine Ever-Present Continuum of Source Light, expressed through the stillness of our Loving Hearts as the Light of God We Are.

This is the experience too, beloved hearts, of our more feminine fifth dimensional aspects, and the “Being” aspects of Self, as we go deep within, to nurture, Love, appreciate and let go of all that no longer serves. Each Now moment offers us an opportunity to slow down, to be more present, as the Witnessing Presence of the Beloved I Am. With the sub-atomic particles continuously spinning in increased light frequencies, this state of expansion, of Christ Consciousness, of Soul embodiment and Photonic Light, can be very dreamlike, and very surreal. Much cleansing and purification is experienced and continues, particularly within the physical body, as we clear the density and carbon-based frequencies, and release, dissolve, collapse and transcend many old programs, parallel realities, and karmic timelines. Simultaneously we merge/converge into various multidimensional realities, timelines, and aspects of Self, such as our Angelic Selves, Galactic, Christed, Lemurian, Atlantean, ancient Egyptian, Dolphin, Mermaid, and Fairy Selves.

As we hold a higher state of consciousness at particular frequencies for long enough, this expansion is experienced within the body and within the cells, and with this, we start to create the crystalline gridding system within our bodies. We activate the crystals within our bodies that create the various Light Bodies as well as connect deeper into the 144 Unity Grid as vibrating Stargates of Divine Love and as the Unity Grid. This connection through the One Heart releases separation as we draw upon the energy of Gaia, as our Divine Mother, and all that presents through the Elements and Nature, the Sun and Moon, Solar Flares, Gamma Rays, Cosmic Rays, and Inner Plane connections.

These Christed aspects of Self, our Purity and Innocence, expressed through the Golden Sun within, expands through the Stargate of our Loving Heart and connects into the Higher Mind as we activate and program the DNA with our own consciousness and Light. This in turn activates the Pineal Gland, and these crystals within the Pineal Gland, as Diamond Light frequencies, create an orbit from the Higher Mind into the Loving Heart and back into the Higher Mind, with the Higher Mind becoming the Divine Intelligence of the Loving Heart. Additionally, our Golden Sun, our Inner Christ, expands into the Solar Plexus Chakra as the Seat of the Soul, as Soular Christ Consciousness, and a second Stargate activates within the Navel. A third Stargate further activates within the Perineum Center, connecting into the original Divine Blueprinting as well as the becoming the central Stargate and conduit for which all kundalini and pranic energy flows, as the spine, and cerebrospinal fluid take center stage as the New Earth operating system for our physical bodies, our Temples of Light. Additionally, it is the cerebrospinal fluid that connect through the base of the brain and into the Pineal Gland, creating pressure on the Pineal Gland, which then activates the Third Eye with the memories of all initiations and timelines of Self Mastery. In essence, taking us beyond the Veils and Ring-Passeth-Nots, and into Cosmic Christ Consciousness/God Consciousness, and this is experienced primarily when we are able to enter a Gamma LightBody Brain-Wave State of Consciousness.

It is here beloved hearts, that we journey, into the Initiation of Empowerment, aligning our will ever deeper to the Will and Power of God and with this, stepping into new levels of Divine Service, expressed through the Divine Masculine aspects of Self. Our Divine Masculine Energy is the “DOing” in Service in Love, through our inner power. This is a sixth dimensional aspect of Self beloved hearts, and presents through our Sirian Higher Self aspects, and the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and the Inner Plane Ascended Masters.

We are invited into the Great White Lodge on Sirius, to experience this initiation. This initiation is very powerful, beloved hearts, clearing any and all levels of disempowerment, abuse and misuse of power and will be tangibly felt and experienced. Simultaneously we unlock the next level of our Divine Service from within, as the wayshowers, gate keepers, grid keepers and Flames of Divinity upon this sacred earth. The dreaminess is replaced with the ability to do and become, with greater levels of Manifestation, Magnetization, Abundance, Love, Power, Peace, Wisdom, Harmony and Knowledge as we merge into new levels of our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects, living New Earth.

Join us Beloved Hearts, as we travel in Soul Consciousness into the Great White Lodge on Sirius for the next level of the Divine Plan for all awakened and awakening Souls.

Your download is available as a zipped file, with two Mp3’s, with and without background music. No transcribe is provided.



The Presence of the Divine Mother Within


90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

In this powerful energetic transmission, we accelerate our frequency, birth into creation new golden opportunities, and connect ever deeper into the Heart of Gaia, and the Flame of Compassion. This Flame of Compassion and Love amplifies in this Now moment and as these sacred, holy Flames of Divinity, the Stargate of our Loving Hearts expands into the deepening Presence of the Divine Mother within. As we deepen into Compassion through our Golden Hearts, we dissolve the wounded masculine, and victim/persecutor consciousness. We fine tune our frequency and shift dimensionally into ever higher octaves of the One Heart of All That Is.

We are further invited into Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart. We receive an attunement to Divine Mother Mary as we step ever deeper into the Divine Mother energy of compassion and Love, gratitude and appreciation, loving kindness and respect for all. Further to this, we are offered an opportunity to focus on all our relationships.

Additionally, we experience an Initiation of Enlightenment as we elevate our consciousness, experience a Pineal Gland Activation and remember ourselves as Initiates of Light.

We further experience the Rays of Creation in each month. In this beautiful transmission, along with the beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love, and the Violet Flame of Transmutation, we experience the Ray of Solar Service, of Solar Crystalline Consciousness, the Ray of Highest Potentials and the Ray of Devotion and Idealism.

Through the Overlighting of Lord Buddha, we are invited into these sacred Ray Ashrams as we create our Crystalline Light Body and program the Original Divine Blueprinting from within, whilst expanding our Devotion as the Light of God We Are.

Enjoy this powerful transmission of Invocations and Affirmations as we journey ever deeper into the One Heart of All That Is, in Unity, Community and Love.

Your download is available as a zipped file, with two Mp3’s, with and without background music. No transcribe is provided.





Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation


90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek


We are now collectively vibrating to the frequencies of New Earth and organic Christed timelines and to a choir of celestial voices from deep within, having merged and integrated many of our Higher Selves, multidimensional Selves and future Selves.

To assist us in deepening into Soul Embodiment, we are offered the Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation. This frequency activation uses the energy of sacred geometry, primarily the Golden Sun, representing Christ Consciousness, the Flower of Life, representing the Patterns of Perfection and the Inner Tree of Life as it embeds within and around the body, as our embodied Higher Selves.

The Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation is a very powerful tool for Quantum Light activations as we bring our physical body online with New Earth. Whilst New Earth may have felt surreal, it now becomes more real in this passageway, and through this gateway.

In this powerful transmission, we start with the Golden Sun Flower of Life Zero Point Activation through the Loving Heart and as the Golden Sun and Flower of Life activate around the body and energy field, we visualize, grid and activate the 11 Sephirot (Spheres) of the Kabbalah as the Golden Suns and Christed Light within the Flower of Life.

As we grid the Inner Tree of Life from sphere to sphere in the Golden Suns of Christ Consciousness and join the paths in Golden Triangles of Light, we end with 11 Spheres and 22 Paths. With this, beloved hearts, we create a multidimensional map and Divine Blueprint for Higher Self embodiment, and our ability to live our Ascended Selves as the Light of God We Are.

Join us in this celestial passageway as together we become our Higher Selves and Ascended Aspects upon this sacred earth.






Golden Sun and Flower of Life Zero Point Activation


90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts,

In Ancient Egypt, beloved hearts, as initiates of Light, we utilized the energy of the Golden Sun and Flower of Life, as well as all geometries within this, particularly Metatron’s Cube, to expand our Light from within and connect to our Galactic Higher Selves, and the Unity Grid to experience New Earth.

In this system of energy, we worked with the first nine dimensions, taking us into Soul Embodiment of our absolute Purity, Innocence and Source Light/Photonic Light whilst merging with our Galactic Higher Self aspects. In addition to this, the primary focus was on our ability to expand into each dimension through the related sacred geometries, sound and color frequencies and expand into the Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around us, utilized in the creation of our Light Body/Merkaba Field. This frequency of Christ Consciousness energetically took us into the Cold Flame of the Flower of Life within the Halls of Amenti, essentially the Quantum Field of Plasma Light. This alchemical process generated the internal Plasma Light, initially through the blood, in the creation of our various Light Bodies and embodiment of our Higher Selves and Multidimensional Selves.  Additionally, the Crystalline Sun DNA activated within the original Divine Blueprint as Plasma Light.

At this point, beloved hearts, we embody, activate and expand the Plasma Light within, and as these filaments create interconnected lines of Light that link us into the Unity Grid, and the Nodal Points along the Unity Grid through the Sacred Geometry of the Stellated Dodecahedron, we would join as One Heart and connect into the Crystalline Grid. Working with the Andarian Beings, the Andara Crystals, we would tune into each Nodal Point, Gateway and Sacred Site, starting from the axis point in Cairo, Egypt. For the Unity Grid is anchored by its axis at Cairo, and at Moorea, in the French Polynesian Islands near Tahiti.

As Gate Keepers and Grid Keepers we fine tune the frequencies within the Unity Grids, multidimensionally and holographically. With this, we create harmonic frequencies that uplift the consciousness of all Life, so that all can ascend. As expressions of consciousness and energy, we are the Christ Consciousness Grids, the vibrating Stargates of Divine Love, traveling our journey from Star Seed to Soul Seed to Star Being and then Source Light.

As we experience this deep sense of Unity Consciousness, of interconnectivity, we further deepen into Physical Body Ascension, the ability to take our physical body into New Earth free of 3D and 4D densities and karma.

To reach this level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness beloved hearts, requires the frequencies and energies of New Earth to be activated within our body and energy field, and this Now moment offers an unprecedented opportunity to activate the Lion’s Gate to Zero Point collectively, to the fifth dimension and beyond as the Beloved I Am That I Am, living New Earth and mapping our Highest Potential and trajectory as Co-Creators to the Divine, as our Universe.

We use a technique from the Ancient Egyptian timeline called The Golden Sun and Flower of Life Zero Point Activation.  At that time, and Now, we start by activating the Stargate of our Loving Heart by visualizing the Golden Sun, Christ Light, as a single point of Light. On each in-breath, we visualize this Golden Sun from within the center of our Heart Chakra. As we hold the breath, we visualize numerous hues of Diamond Crystalline Light activating from within the Loving Heart, aided by the Andarian Crystal Beings, and on the out-breath, we expand the Golden Sun around the body and energy field. We do this breath seven times, each time to the count of seven. As we then deepen into Zero Point, through the expansion and feelings of our Loving Heart, we move into activating the Pineal Gland, initially visualizing the cerebrospinal fluid moving up and down the spine, into the brain and placing pressure upon the Pineal Gland.

To visualize the Golden Sun within the Pineal Gland, we focus on the convergence of three energetic lines connecting through the Pineal Gland. The first point of intersection is activated through the Antakarana, as it travels from the Soul Star Chakra into the Crown Chakra, into the Pineal Gland, down the spine to the Perineum Center and then into the Earth Star Chakra. The second point of intersection activates from the Third Eye through the Pineal Gland and out the back of the Third Eye. And the third point of intersection crosses from just above the left ear to the same point on the right ear, and into the Pineal Gland. Where these energetic lines converge and intersect in the Pineal Gland, we visualize the Golden Sun and then expand this as a Golden Halo around the head.

Following this, we visualize the Ankh and utilizing these same points of convergence from within the Pineal Gland, connect to a portal of Light known as the Sirian Portal 2.4 feet above the Crown Chakra, activating once more the Golden Sun energy as the Sun behind the Sun, as well as activating a ninth dimensional portal 24 feet above the Crown Chakra as the Great Central Sun. The activation of the Golden Sun is the Christed Light beloved hearts, and takes us into Zero Point, where all presents simultaneously. Where we can view, experience and expand into numerous multidimensional timelines to create our future realities in One Unity Consciousness.

In ancient Egypt, we expanded into each dimension, from the fifth to the ninth respectively, visualizing the Golden Sun, and related sacred geometries as well as merging with our Galactic aspects. Each dimension beloved hearts, requires from us the ability to lift our consciousness into the corresponding field of Light, sound, color and sacred geometry. When we expanded into the ninth dimension, we further created and activated the Golden Flower of Life, within a Diamond sphere, 54 feet in diameter around us, which served as our Ascension Vehicle to New Earth. Additionally, we utilized this Flower of Life sacred geometry, now embedded within the Golden Sun, to raise our frequency, elevate our consciousness and release density from within the body and energy field. Further to this, we utilized this as a Healing Tool to assist our brothers and sisters in their Ascension Journey simply by visualizing the Golden Sun and Flower of Life activating and moving this into any body part, organ, and chakra as well as around the energy field. It was, and is, a most powerful tool and one we can draw upon to elevate consciousness and quantum jump multidimensionally as well as heal and release lower densities, false beliefs, judgments and discomfort from within the physical body.

And as we connect into, and as the Unity Grid, as the I AM AVATAR Consciousness, we can expand the Light upon this sacred earth using this Golden Sun and Flower of Life Zero Point Activation.

So join with us in this powerful Now moment beloved hearts. Together we are creating our Heaven on Earth, and New Earth from the Heart of the Great Central Sun, with beautiful invocations, activations, tools and healing energies we can utilize for ourselves, for others and for all Life upon this sacred earth.




Golden Sun Merkaba Activation


90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek


Join us beloved hearts in this beautiful, high frequency masterclass as we expand our consciousness, raise our vibration, and activate our Merkaba field to physically access the fifth dimension and beyond, as the Light of God We Are.

The Golden Sun Merkaba Activation utilizes the energy of our Soul Light and Christed Light, known as the Golden Sun, to build the frequencies that will assist in activating our Merkaba field to physically access and ascend into the fifth dimension and beyond, as the Light of God We Are.

Our Merkaba field is a living Light Ship and Ascension Vehicle and when fully activated, can extend up to 54 feet in diameter around us. Our Golden Sun Merkaba is used for interdimensional travel in navigating the higher dimensions, powered by our Loving Heart and Higher Mind. Our Merkaba activates through our Soul Light/Photonic Light from deep within as we expand the Stargate of our Loving Heart in alignment to New Earth and realities of One Unity Consciousness.

For the Golden Sun Merkaba Activation, we work with the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, or rather three superimposing star tetrahedrons, and specific Fibonacci Ratio’s God Speed to Infinity, to increase the spin of the sub-atomic particles within the body and physically experience New Earth.

The Golden Sun Merkaba Activation takes us into Zero Point, the Infinite Eternal Now moment. The “longer” we can experience Zero Point, free from limiting beliefs, judgments, and 3-D/4-D timelines, the greater our ability to navigate multidimensionally and through the Quantum field.

In the Golden Sun Merkaba Activation, we work with nine dimensions, although many more dimensions exist beyond this and simultaneous to this. The primary reason for this is that embodiment of our Beloved I Am Presence occurs through the integration of all 144 Soul Ray aspects of Self. These are our multidimensional Selves, Higher Selves and Future Selves. These Higher Self aspects are generally integrated and embodied within the body and energy field by the ninth dimension. Following this, we enter the Source Light dimensions.

In addition to this, once the Golden Sun Merkaba field is activated, the sacred geometries of the Flower of Life, Metatron Cube and the Platonic solids are also activated, and with this, we become an extension of the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth plane, reflecting the sacred geometries and harmonic resonance of New Earth found within the Christ Consciousness grid. We call this the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.  Furthermore, through this sacred geometry, we hold within our subconscious, thought forms and patterns atomically, allowing us to tune in and communicate multidimensionally through the Quantum Field.

This is a powerful energy technique that takes us deeper into being Divine Love and living New Earth. Whilst there are different geometries that can be used to experience Zero Point and New Earth, we use the geometry of the star tetrahedron as it connects to the trinity of the Holy Father, the Holy Mother, and the Holy Child, and greatly balances the polarities within. However, once we physically ascend into New Earth, there is the next level multidimensional Merkaba Activation which does not require the balancing of polarities as these no longer exist and is again connected to the sacred geometries of the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

For the Golden Sun Merkaba Activation, we focus on three superimposing star tetrahedrons, as they are connected to our etheric, emotional, and mental bodies, and our original Divine eight-cell blueprint. We then spin the emotional and mental star tetrahedrons around the body at specific Fibonacci ratios God Speed to Infinity, a speed not possible to measure, to activate our Merkaba, using the energy of the Golden Sun. The etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary over the body.

In addition to this, we utilize the energy of the Rays of Creation in visualizing the star tetrahedrons. Primary, we utilize a beautiful Blue-Green Ray of Highest Potentials. This ray connects into the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, found within the Perineum Center, and works primarily with the geometry of the star tetrahedron in aligning us to our Divinity and original Soul contracts. We further utilize the Golden Ray of One Unity Consciousness to align us through all dimensions of Light as we activate the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Spheres of Light through the body and energy field. These Rays of Creation spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and greatly assist in expanding our Consciousness and Light.

Furthermore, we utilize the etheric or physical Andara Crystal energies, as they assist us to connect multidimensionally and expand our consciousness. They express atomically/monatomically in connecting us to our multidimensional Selves, Higher Selves and timelines of our Highest Potential, as well as synchronizing our workflow in both the dream state and awakened states for greater levels of joy, passion and purpose. The Andara Crystals transmit the Light codes of exactly what each of us needs in any given Now moment and assist us in deepening levels of awakening and remembering. And in working with us through and as the Unity Grid, the Andaras amplify these fields of consciousness of sacred geometry, sound and color, so that all Life can know themselves as Love.

To initially amplify our Light and expand our Loving Hearts, we activate the Stargate of our Loving Heart by visualizing the Golden Sun, as the Christed Light, activate from within our Loving Hearts.  As we deepen into Zero Point, through the Stargate of our Loving Heart, we focus on activating the Pineal Gland, using this same Golden Sun energy.

We then work with the Golden Sun energy through each one of the chakras at specific Fibonacci ratios to release all that no longer needs to be experienced as we collapse and dissolve lower timelines and create the higher dimensional timeline blueprinting’s through the chakras.

Following this, we connect to a portal of Light known as the Sun Portal, 0.02 feet above the Crown Chakra, activating the Golden Sun Sphere6.04 feet in diameter around this. We further connect to our Central Sun Portal 2.4 feet above the Crown Chakra, activating the Golden Sun sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around us, and within this, visualizing three superimposed star tetrahedrons. From here, we connect to a Portal 24 feet above the Crown Chakra, known as the Great Central Sun Portal, activating the Golden Sun sphere 54 feet in diameter around us.

These Golden Sun activations then create the Golden Flower of Life, within our Great Central Sun sphere 54 feet in diameter around us. We then utilize this Golden Sun and Flower of Life sphere to activate our Merkaba using the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron to take us into Zero Point, and New Earth.

From this infinite, eternal Now moment, in the convergence of the higher dimensional fields of Consciousness and Light where all dimensions present simultaneously and where Love is All There Is, we program our Light Bodies to view, experience, and expand into numerous multidimensional timelines, both physically and energetically. We further map the trajectory of our Highest Potential and Heart’s Dreaming, to draw to us future probable timelines of One Unity Consciousness.

This is a very powerful technique taking us into New Earth Beloved Hearts and a technique we can practice daily to raise our vibration, and expand our consciousness, as we come together as One Heart and One Love and physically ascend into New Earth. In addition to this, the more of us able to activate our Merkabas, the more we create New Earth together in Unity and Love.

Come join with us in this powerful transmission as together we amplify our Merkaba Fields of Light and experience New Earth.

Mp3 recording available with and without background music. No transcribe.



Diamond Light Codes and Crystalline Light Body Activation


120-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Video Introduction



Beloved hearts, I invite you to join us in this powerful Masterclass, the Diamond Light Codes and Crystalline Light Body Activation.

We are currently in the midst of great changes, and moving from the old into the new, shifting out of ego consciousness and expanding into Christ Consciousness.

In this Now, these planetary and astrological influences are primarily connecting to the energy of abundance, power, leadership, partnership, communication and the rebalancing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes for greater expressions of our Divinity.

We could call the Diamond Light Codes the Codes of Divinity, as they are the expression of our Highest Light, our Purity and Innocence.

From within the One Heart of All That Is, as the Light of God We Are, we amplify and activate the Diamond Light Codes as we align ever deeper into the Christed Light within and expand into our Crystalline/Christed Light Body.

Additionally, we have been clearing the lower chakras, representing the lower dimensions, for ourselves and for this sacred earth to expand our Golden Hearts and the three-fold flame of Power, Love and Wisdom through the hearts of every man, woman, and child upon this sacred earth.

As we birth the Christed Light within, trusting and surrendering to our Universe, we enter into the Gateway of the Loving Heart to activate the Diamond Light Codes of Abundance, Empowerment, Leadership, Communication, Partnership, Forgiveness and Love. With this, we release any lack of we may have around finances and abundance issue, false beliefs between men and women, disempowerment, and victim/persecutor consciousness, whilst expanding the Heart and activating the Pineal Gland. We activate the sacred kundalini energy as it spirals through Mother Earth and through our bodies and connects into the Stargate of the Loving Heart, to the remembrance of ourselves as the evolving Christed Light upon this sacred earth.

We enter into the Temple of Divine Mother Mary and the Sisterhood of the Rose, amplifying the energy of the Divine Feminine archetype and activating the Stargate Portal of the Perineum Center and Original Divine Blueprinting. We then connect to the Great White Lodge and the Brotherhood of the Light, merging with the archetypal energy of the Divine Masculine , to experience the merging of our Sirian Higher Self, representing the Divine Masculine Archetype, as we activate the Solar Plexus Stargate. Following this, we enter into the Office of the Christed, One within Shamballa to rebirth our Christed Light within as we activate the Stargate Portal of the Loving Heart as well as activating the Diamond Light Codes and Crystalline Light Body to experience New Earth.

As we align to the Sun within our Loving Hearts, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun, we access the Cosmic Living Library Codes and Universal Akashic Records of New Earth as we step ever deeper into our Service work and expand our Soul Light, one with our Beloved I Am Presence and one with the Beloved I Am Presence of every man, woman and child upon this sacred earth. As so it is.

Come join us in the beautiful Masterclass, an energetic, light encoded transmission with invocations and affirmations.







Galactic Crystalline Light DNA Activation


120-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Video Introduction




Beloved hearts, through the evolution of our Star DNA, we are becoming a Galactic Civilization, our future Selves, living in each Now moment as the Light of God We Are, awakening, remembering, and coming together as One Heart to accomplish all we need to in Unity and Love.

The acceleration of our Soul’s Forward Evolution is upon us, with more and more Souls awakening and remembering that All is Love and Love is All There Is. In our convergence as the Light Tribe, it is our ability to expand our bandwidth to the higher dimensional fields of consciousness, to continuously ascend from one moment to the next and with an open heart, to step up with the many roles we fulfil with greater levels of grace and ease, support and all that is needed. Each Now moment envisaged, experienced and felt through the guidance of our Soul and the Unified Field of Light.

This shift in consciousness that activates the Light Codes from deep, deep within, that connects us deeper to Gaia, and the desire to spend “time” with our Selves, our Souls, is pre-determined through our ability to activate our dormant DNA and become our Light Bodies (Soul Bodies).

Our DNA contains our Divine Blueprint, sacred, holy and unique to each one of us, with encoded information regarding our physical and spiritual lineage.  85% of this information is dormant, and for many, this has not yet been activated and for others, only partially so.

While all activates the DNA, to experience the crystalline/plasma and photonic light held within, to raise our vibration to be here and Now,

to experience the blueprint for our life purpose and self-mastery,

the codes of creation, and the Patterns of Perfection,

we agreed to incarnate upon this sacred earth,

to take on human form, and experience human lives,

to take on the karma of humanity and to clear our own cosmic karmic and deeds against humanity.

To integrate the photonic light and become fully Multidimensional Master Beings

So that all life upon this sacred earth could know themselves as Love.

 Sound, color, sacred geometry, fractal geometry, chakra activations, axiatonal alignment and more, raises our frequency and vibration and activates the DNA as we expand our Light from within in deepening levels of Soul Embodiment.

The more Light we hold, the more we can “go in”, the faster the spin of the sub-atomic particles as we enter into Zero Point, where all slows down, as we shift from carbon based realities to silica and then crystalline consciousness.

This process of our Soul’s Forward Evolution is greatly enhanced through our Galactic Heritage as Starseeds. Indeed, this process of Soul Embodiment, of becoming our Higher Selves upon this sacred earth, takes us from Starseed, to Soul Seed to Star Being and then Source Light, where we are creating our realities in each Now moment as our Galactic Selves. Where each Now moment is experienced multidimensionally and through Quantum Consciousness as we express telepathically, energetically and vibrationally in all we do, are, and achieve.

In this Galactic Crystalline Light DNA Activation Masterclass, we are offered 12 Templates that will assist us to embody our Soul Light, activate our Galactic DNA and become our Light Bodies as Star Beings in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

Additionally, our Galactic Higher Selves step forward to assist us, through amplifying our frequencies and activating the Light Codes from within. They offer to us a Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration Chamber of Light (QSSRC). What the Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration Chamber of Light (QSSRC) does, is re-calibrate the Star Fields and Light Codes within our Body, Energy Field and Hologram through Photonic Light to the memory and experience of Oneness. Essentially, we deepen into Zero Point through the Divine Connection to our Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence and Mother/Father God. Through this Light Chamber, a three-dimensional Light Grid, that activates around the body and energy field and within each cell in the body, we expand our loving hearts, as we accelerate our ascension process and align to our original Divine Blueprint, with greater levels of grace and ease. We are further taken deeper into Soul embodiment, Divine Love and our reconnection to our Soul and Star Families as we move through the Galactic Crystalline Light DNA Activation process.

These 12 Templates are as follows:

First Template: A Return to Consciousness. Frequency Expansions and Upgrades and the deepening of our relationship and connection to our Higher Selves/Soul Light.

Second Template: 4-D Density Clearing and Expanding Beyond the Old and into the New. Heaven and Hell archetypes and choices made along the various timelines.

Third Template:  Heart Chakra Activation and Expansion as we deepen into Caring, Sharing and Stepping Up.

Fourth Template: Akashic Record Clearing of Past Lives, Contracts, Vows, and Ancestral Wounds.

Fifth Template: Pineal Gland Activation and Consciousness Expansion.

Sixth Template: Kundalini Activation and connecting into the 144 Unity Grid and Gaia as the Divine Earth Mother.

Seventh Template: Chakra Clearing, Alignment and Golden Sun Christed Light Activation.

Eighth Template: Sacred Geometry and Merkaba Activation.

Ninth Template: Activating the Axiatonal Lines and Spin Points of Sound and Color Frequencies.

Tenth Template: Galactic DNA Activation. Merging with and embodying our Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Antarian, Lyran, Venusian and other Galactic Higher Selves as we shift dimensionally in frequency, energy and light.

Eleventh Template: Activating of the Solar Crystalline Plasma Light Body.

Twelfth Template: Soul Embodiment. Being the Star

Third Template:  Heart Chakra Activation and Expansion as we deepen into Caring, Sharing and Stepping Up.

Fourth Template: Akashic Record Clearing of Past Lives, Contracts, Vows, and Ancestral Wounds.

Fifth Template: Pineal Gland Activation and Consciousness Expansion.

Sixth Template: Kundalini Activation and connecting into the 144 Unity Grid and Gaia as the Divine Earth Mother.

Seventh Template: Chakra Clearing, Alignment and Golden Sun Christed Light Activation.

Eighth Template: Sacred Geometry and Merkaba Activation.

Ninth Template: Activating the Axiatonal Lines and Spin Points of Sound and Color Frequencies.

Tenth Template: Galactic DNA Activation. Merging with and embodying our Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Antarian, Lyran, Venusian and other Galactic Higher Selves as we shift dimensionally in frequency, energy and light.

Eleventh Template: Activating of the Solar Crystalline Plasma Light Body.

Twelfth Template: Soul Embodiment. Being the Star Beings. Creating our future in each Now moment as we Map Multidimensionally whilst changing and programming the Universal Akasha as Co-Creators to the Divine and to this Sacred Earth.

Beloved hearts, if you are ready to…

live multidimensionally as the Light of God You Are, with full access to all your gifts as a natural part of your beingness and unique life path and purpose,

connect quantumly on the inner planes and at a Soul level with others,

embody your Soul and Higher Selves and feel the Innocence and Purity You Are,

clear, expand and transcend all that is no longer needing to be experienced,

step up in World Service and share your Light with others,

activate your Galactic DNA,

and expand your frequency and energy and light …

then join us in this beautiful Masterclass with Invocations, Affirmations, DNA Upgrades, Light Body Upgrades and Galactic Activations and so much more.







Christ Consciousness Attunements with the Ascended Masters


90 Minute Masterclass with Anrita (With and without background music)


Beloved hearts,

Join us in these beautiful Christ Consciousness Attunements with the Ascended Masters. As we expand our frequency and elevate our Consciousness, Overlighted by the Office of the Christed Ones, we attune to and activate the Light Codes of our Christed Light from deep within. With this, we experience a deepening sense of New Earth, and a new way of Being, living from our loving hearts and flowing with the organic ascension timelines.

In this Now moment, as we align ever deeper into the Inner Sun and Christ within through the Solstice energies, and the collective consciousness expands into the energy of Christ-Mass as well as that of the Divine Mother, our ability to attune to the next level of Christ Consciousness for this sacred earth amplifies, and with this, we receive the radiance and gifts of the Masters. As we merge our Light collectively with many of the Inner Plane Masters within Shamballa, we are assisted in activating the qualities, and energies of Self Mastery, as we expand our frequency to be embraced within the frequency of the Masters.

This allows each one of us as the Light of God We Are to restore our Divine Christed Blueprint as we receive an influx of Christed/Photonic Light to expand beyond the old and transcend all karmic experiences no longer needing to be experienced. With this, we restore our cellular memories to Crystalline Consciousness, as we remember fully that we are the Christ Light, living from a state of Oneness and Unity Consciousness.

Additionally, as we deepen into the next level of Christ Consciousness, we assist in lifting the consciousness of every man, woman and child upon this sacred earth simply through our Light.

2000 years ago, Jesus the Christ walked upon this earth as a living example of Christ Consciousness. He told us that “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within Us” and the only way into the kingdom of God is through Christ.

Christ Consciousness beloved hearts is the entrainment and then attainment of a frequency and energy that is experienced in the embodiment of our Higher Selves, and Beloved I Am Presence. It is the Purity, and Divinity and Innocence within of our Christed Light, that opens our hearts to all. We further recognize that all Life has the spark of God essence and it is simply the levels of consciousness that differ from individual to individual.

In restoring our Christed Blueprint, we trust and surrender to our Universe, our Soul and Higher Selves, our Christed Light, and flow with the organic ascension timelines within the Unity Grid and the value systems of New Earth, where all is Love and Love is All There Is. Where all is always Highest Aligned. Where we show up with our gifts and skills and Light to co-create as One Heart and One Love.

It is also the recognition that we join many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High as Brothers and Sisters of the Light to assist all awakening and awakened Souls to move through the density, perceived separation, false beliefs and judgments to the experience of the Christed Light within, such as we are doing in this Now, through our feelings, thoughts, actions and loving hearts in the attainment of Oneness with God.

So join us in this Christ-Mass Masterclass for a whole new level of Unity Consciousness and Love, as we connect to the Office of the Christed Ones as the Christed Ones, with our commitment and responsibility, frequency and Light to be the change upon this sacred earth.